World Tag Team Titles
Outcasts (C) vs. Chewy Walrus and Killconey
The challengers entered the ring to TNT and massive pops from the crowd. As soon as they stepped in the ring, they signalled to their fans that they were ready to face the Outcasts...
MONROE: We could be looking at the next RDCW world tag team champions!
LOUIE: These clowns? Fuhgeddaboudit! They've already lost once each tonight! After the Outcasts get done with them, they'll be two time losers!
Moments later,Breakin' The Law exploded from the Cheesedome PA speakers as the RDCW world tag team champions drove down to the ring in their Hummer,with their manager Nuriko sporting a headband with the words "Outcasts Rule! inscribed in Japanese.
Monroe: Looks like Nuriko still has a little mud in her eyes from earlier tonight!
El Superbeasto started the match for the Outcasts while Killconey kicked things off for the SDC; from there on out, fans witnessed a heady mix of technical skill and straight-up brawling as the champs and the challengers fought for possession of the most prestigious tag titles in wrestling. After thirty minutes of non-stop action, it looked like the SDC was about to pull off the upset after Chewy Walrus delivered the Random Acts of Violence on Chris Oakley...
MONROE: Chewy with the cover! One...
LOUIE: I can't look!
MONROE: Two....
LOUIE: Tell me when it's over!
MONROE: Thr-- I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oakley just kicked out! No one's ever gotten up from the Random Acts of Violence before!
LOUIE: All right! The champ's still got it!
Chris tagged in Superbeasto, who promptly nailed Chewy with the Chokeslam to Oblivion before signalling to the crowd that the champions were about to demonstrate their newest signature move...
MONROE: We're about to see the Outcasts' latest manuver, the Journey Into Exile, which made its debut last week on Havoc!
LOUIE: Booyah!
MONROE: Superbeasto has Chewy set up....Chris Oakley coming off the top rope...and Chewy Walrus goes crashing down to the canvas! Here's the cover--1...2...3!And the Outcasts have retained the RDCW world tag team titles!
LOUIE: Never underestimate the champs, Monroe!
With victory secured, Chris and Superbeasto charged out of the ring to come to the aid of Nuriko, who was on the wrong end of a beatdown from SDC manager Meeko. The Giant Luchadore nailed Meeko with his Giant Headbutt, after which Chris planted the SDC mastermind into the arena floor with the Red Alert.
MONROE: Jesus, the Outcasts have sunk to a new low even by their standards!
LOUIE: She had it comin', Monroe! She was attacking Nuriko without provocation!
Chris then took the mic to address a fallen Meeko....
CHRIS: Let this be a lesson to you, bitch-- Nobody messes with the Outcasts and gets away with it!(Raucous boos from the crowd)And I hope those MWO punks were watching tonight, because this is a preview of the ass-whipping we'll give them when we finally get them in the ring!
Captain Sammitch and PenWing stormed the ring armed with steel chairs, clearing out the Outcasts before checking on Meeko.
Monroe: Oakley's a creep! There's no call for that!