The lights are instantly turned off in the Cheesedome, and flashbulbs create the only lights that can be seen. Moments later, Rob's Damn Killer Instinct Rip Off Theme Music plays, and yellow strobe and laser lights flash inside the Cheesedome. All eyes are on the Cheesedome ramp, but JLA is nowhere to be seen.
Bastardo: Where is the next champ?
Monroe: Look up there! It''s...
Bastardo: It's a giant slice of cheese!
The camera pans to the rafters, and slowly being lowered from the top of the dome and directly over the ring is a yellow platform, which MisterJLA is standing on! JLA has a harness on, to avoid a fall.
Bastardo: What an entrance! And look at that beautiful yellow robe! But why does it have holes in it?
Monroe: It's supposed to look like a piece of cheese, genius. 
Bastardo: Oh! How beautiful! JLA is certainly playing up the cheese theme!
The challenger waves to the crowd. The platform continues to be slowly lowered, until it unexpectedly stops at about the height of the top turnbuckle. JLA looks up toward the rafters, and shrugs his shoulders. He then unfastens himself from the harness, and attempts to climb off of the platform, but trips over his robe, and falls off of the platform and lands on his ass in the middle of the ring. The platform then is quickly raised.
Most of the crowd laughs, but the laughs turn to applause as “Kick Start Your Heart” interrupts the Killer Instinct Theme Music! Loud fireworks replace the yellow lights as well!
Monroe: Here comes the champ!
Bastardo: How rude! I was really enjoying JLA's intro music!
RDCW World Cheese Champ Nowhereman stands at the top of the ramp, and holds his title high above his head for a brief moment. He then runs full speed toward the ring!