Once he hits the ring, the champion throws the title at the referee Lothar, and attacks JLA! James White sounds the bell, but never gets the opportunity to make the ring intros.
Nowhereman hits JLA with a series of punches and kicks, until his opponent turns the tide with a brutal thumb to the eye!
Gaining his composure, JLA attacks with his own brawling moves.
Bastardo: He's using what Joe Mama taught him during his training in BAW-STON! Joe Mama may not know how to answer a private message on time (
) but he sure is a great trainer!
JLA mixes in a few power moves, and then tries to slow the pace of the match with a sleeper. Nowhereman appears to be falling asleep, so Lothar raises his arm once, twice, but on the third attempt, Nowhereman wakes up and has more energy then evar. Funny how that always happens. Right when you think the guy in the sleeper is ready to pass out, he's back and full of energy. Yeah.
Nowhereman fights out of the hold, and then counters with power moves of his own. Because pro wrestlers are only human, and actually can't wrestle non-stop, Nowhereman locks JLA in a bear hug to catch his breath. JLA breaks free with a well-placed knee to the stomach, and then Irish whips Nowhereman into the ropes, and catches him with a clothesline.