Another meaningless homerun by A-Rod. That guy just never hits anything when it matters.

I don't think Damon will have a bad year(not in this lineup) or anything, but I have to say I'm way past tired of hearing the argument that Damon makes the Yankees better because he's a "true leadoff hitter", and Jeter isn't. Jeter and Damon both made their debuts in '95, and of the 10 seasons they've played since then, Jeter has had a better on base percentage in every single one of those seasons, except 2004(the year Jeter was hitting .190 in mid-May). Jeter and Damon are both excellent baserunners with good speed, but both are getting to an age where they steal very much, and in this lineup, stealing is almost pointless, anyway.

Jeter is perfectly suited to the leadoff spot. I'm not sure why the John Kruks of the world don't get that. Maybe it's because they think Jeter is still the same hitter he was in 1999, or maybe it's because he's Derek Jeter and that hitting leadoff is somehow beneath him. I dunno.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.