
PenWing said:
Poor Yankees couldn't sweep the Tigers. Anyone whose been following the Tigers and isn't smoking whatever some local media types are know that the Tigers just don't have a strong enough line-up to compete with the big boys this year. Why get my hopes up when this is only the sixth year of a rebuilding process that will take about eight before the team is really a threat. Of course, by then, the Yankees will be too old to pose much of a threat to the league, and it will be the Tigers, the White Sox, and the Red Sox who will be duking it out for the AL. I have a the patience to hold onto my wad, PJP. You just go on shooting yours over anyone is willing to suck it up.

Oh and Penne.....I would think that most people would say the Yankees youngsters are better than any shit you got crybaby. I'm happy with Robbie Cano, Melky Cabrera, Terrence Long, Andy Philips, Bubba Crosby, Kevin Thompson.......and we still have Eric Duncan waiting to come up!
