
Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?

Yanks won tonight 5-4.

I notice you didn't answer my question. The one about potentially trading A-Rod. The one that has been getting a lot of ink in the NY newspapers. Is that because you have no opinion, or because the idea of losing your Yankee spankee material is too much for you to bear?

I don't hate the guy like you do....but I also don't care either way. As long as they continue to win games I'm happy. And considering all the adversity they have had this year they are doing a fine job.