
Rob Kamphausen said:
heh. awww, thats cute, joseph. you guys'd be great!

Nah...I don't go for guys who wear purple lipstick in public. My men need to keep that stuff at home. Like you, f'r instance...


so, ok, he had a bad week or month or game or series or whatever. what, is he only batting 280? are his 21 home runs embarassing? 100 hits thus far useless?

he's "cold" now. that'll change. specially if you keep flirting with him!

I'm not criticizing his offensive numbers. They're, at absolute worst, respectable and, realistically, quite good. And I have no need or desire to discuss "clutch hitting" and all that garbage. as I've stated, his 18 errors so far this year stand out because they've been an aberration - his defense has been good since coming to the Yankees and playing third base. I guess my point is that his solid offense and prowess at shortstop make him attractive to try and acquire, even as his defensive woes and supposed "lack of clutch hitting" make his potentially desireable to trade.

No need to be jealous, Rober'. I'd flirt with you, if NWM weren't the jealous type - he sure is territorial when it comes to his Robbie!


ny papers hype trade and "failure" outta this because thats what ny papers do. and, the only ones that really seem to make big deals out of this are newbie yankee fans and long-time red sox fans. you also both enjoy bemoaning home the 5 year "drought" the yanks have been in without a ring.

Regarding NY papers, agreed. All newspapers do it to their city's team(s). Newbie Yankees fans? Sorry, Donnie, but I have no frame of reference. But you'd be surprised how little ink in Boston is dedicated to Yankee woes and A-Rod. We've got better things to bitch and worry about - starting pitching, getting Seanez and Tavarez out of Red Sox uniforms, hot and cold offense, etc. I've noticed the most discussion regarding your team on ESPN and Fox - media outlets that normally have what would be called a "New York bias".

As for your comment about "five-year droughts", I'll choose to ignore it. That's your hang-up, not mine.


this is also sortuva big city thing -- i'm sure i can remember a few bosox fans booing manny and nomar and schilling and pedro ...



i'm not sure if it'll be the big abreu / shef deal that is being hyped. it might just be a series of more 'minor' pickups.

I don't think anyone's gonna pick up Abreu. Maybe Detroit, but I doubt it. And I don't see any major trades/acquisitions in the AL East. I can see the Mets making a blockbuster, and Atlanta making a big move, but not anyone in our division...

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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