
Rob Kamphausen said:
his 450 hrs and 2,000 hits, as well as the prospect of another decade of solid play, are probably what most find intriguing.

I think it's less about what he's done, and more about what he will do. 450 home runs are nice, unless a player completely falls apart and can only manage 10 per year for however long he sticks around. In A-Rod's case, barring injury, he's a mortal lock for 500 and well more than 50% for 600. The fact that he can play SS and 3B also make him attractive.

Which is a long way just to say "I concur".


fans that bought their first yankee hats or shirts in november of 1996 -- and were older than 16 at the time (gotta give benefit of the doubt to the young'uns)

they are a group not only used to winning, but wait in expectation of it. its a nausiating type, with direct correlation to the lower tier seats going from $12 to $100 in 6 years and from $100 to not-even-available-on-open-market 5 years later.

its the type that boo mariano on the day he gives up the save, rather than cheer the 50 days he completed them. or the sort that note "arod struck out today? trade him!"

the NY sports press is their bible.

and certainly, yes, this is a big city thing, and one that has existed forever with the yankees. steinbrenners reign of terror during the 70s and 80s really made the knee-jerk reaction famous.

but in the past few years, its gotten so much horribly worse than its ever been before. hearing bar crowds bitch and moan that posada's sacrefice fly wasn't a homer, for example. its just silly now.

Wasn't really looking for a definition. Just saying I don't know enough about newbie Yankee fans to make a comment. But I know what you mean - out here, we have a buncha jackasses running around with "Red Sox Nation" cards. Basically, they paid $10 to join a fan club and think that somehow puts them on equal footing with us die-hards. But if you aske them where they were in 2003 during Game 7 of the ALCS, or for Game 6 of the 1986 WS, or what their first game was, damned if they know or remember. It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

N00bs suck.


i am curious as to when the mets will drop their 25 game lead and lose the NL east. i'm thinking early september.

S'funny cuz it's true. I think Atlanta's gonna shock a lot of people. Don't think they'll go deep in the playoffs, but I think they have a shot at AL East consecutive title #15.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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