and i hate it.

i mean, the new stadium looks beautiful, i love all the throwbacks to the original, and all the upgrades to a modern facility. i love the fact that they're finaly developing the area surrounding the stadium -- hopefully with a "yankee village" type effort, with museums and barsaurants, etc.

but i am absolutely baffled by the seating capacity of 51k.

for the past decade, the yankees have drawn 40-45k, on average. this year, its a ridiculous 52k average. average! that means, on average, 1,000 people are kicked out. on a good night, or a post season night, upwards of 8,000 are outside.

i just don't get the logic. its new york! they're the yankees! make the stadium seat 65k. businesses will buy the tickets.

but above and beyond that illogical decision, i hate the fact that they're relocating the stadium. even if its just across the street.

one of my favorite parts about going to a yankee game with my father is the aspect that his players played in the same field mine did. same home plate, same right field, etc. yeah, they revamped the stadium in the mid 70s, but the locations stayed the same.

one of the greatest aspects about the yankees, love'em or hate'em, is their history. the legacy.

relocating that deals an enormous strike.

giant picture