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From Newsaram : Quote:
Q: We've seen the return of the Anti-Monitor's armor. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't feel like it would be a full "anniversary" of the original Crisis without the Anti-Monitor.
With that in mind, will we be seeing an Anti-Monitor for the new millennium? Such as the High Definition, Flat Screen, Wall-Mounted, Plasma Anti-Monitor?
DD: Superboy Prime’s appearance in an Ant-Monitor inspired costume is more of a passing homage to than a harbinger for that character. As for a Hi Def Plasma Monitor, I think we will all have to wait for it a bit longer until the prices come down.
Q: Will we see The Monitor in Infinite Crisis?
DD: You will not see The Monitor in Infinite Crisis.
Q: Is there a plausible explanation as to WHY and HOW Superboy Prime can alter reality by hitting some sort of imaginary wall? Even in the quasi-scientific world of superhero comics, that's a real big stretch.
DD: We explained that following CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS when the multiverse collapsed into one universe and one world, that one world was not fully settled and still resonated with vibrations of the other worlds. When Alex Luthor created the “heaven” dimension where the four heroes escaped, it was built from the remnant energies of the Multiverse and closed around them like a cocoon. The pounding on a wall built from the Multiverse, affected a universe still resonating with the Multiverse, thereby changing time and history. Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
Q: Is it safe to assume that Alexander was the one who wiped Max Lord's dossiers and files at the end of Countdown?
DD: Bingo. Two things came from that single action. Alex determined which heroes he needed to power his tower and he set Checkmate and the OMACs in motion.
Q: Alexander said that he was searching for the "perfect" world. Earth-1 Superman said that a perfect world is one that doesn't need a Superman. I get the feeling that there is a distinct correlation between these two factors. Afterall, a Luthor is a Luthor is a Luthor. Thoughts on that, Dan?
DD: The perfect earth to any Luthor is the one where there is no Superman.
Q: We know that Batman's "sin" was creating the conditions that allowed the OMACS to be created (and Brother Eye) and we know that Wonder Woman's "sin" was killing Max Lord. What is Superman's sin? Is it simply that he failed to inspire?
DD: Superman’s “sin” was inaction and that there are times where he must lead and not just react.
Q: Do the original Crisis survivors think that Supergirl is the same one that died during Crisis? If not, why do they refer to the current DC Earth as Earth-1?
DD: As many have stated, the Earth following COIE was not Earth-1 but a derivation of it. Following the events of INFINITE CRISIS, if the Earth survives, it too will be a derivation of Earth –1. Our Supergirl will be known and accepted as the one, true Supergirl.
Q: Will Brainiac appear in IC?
DD: Not sure what he is up to at this moment, but something must be keeping him busy since he managed to avoid the entire Crisis.
Q: Dan, can you discuss the decision to have the heroes open issue #5 in church? I found this interesting.
DD: The thought was that when the heroes were at their weakest, some might choose a moment a spiritual reflection in order to prepare for what lied ahead. We felt it was an aspect of their personalities that we rarely touch on and would add a level of deep to the characters involved.
Q: Will Power Girl do anything other then sleep on that tower for the rest of IC? Are there any plans for her OYL?
DD: Power Girl will be seen in both SUPERGIRL and JSA One Year Later.
Q: During IC: Secret Files, it is implied that Alex was manipulating Superboy-Prime by showing him the death of his parents and girlfriend, any confirmation on this?
DD: Alex did what he needed to do in order to get what he wanted.
Q: E-2 Wonder Woman: Dead or just somewhere else?
DD: E-2 Wonder Woman is gone for good.
Q: Superboy-Prime: Does he love Alex or is he just confused?
DD: Superboy Prime, was alone and needed a friend. Being closest in age he had more a connection with Alex than Superman and Lois.
Q: Is Booster still married to Gladys or did Superboy Prime get her too?
DD: Gladys is gone, one of the few good things Superboy Prime’s “wall punching” accomplished.
Q: What's the timeline for Green Arrow, Speedy, and the rest of the Arrow family during Infinite Crisis before the OYL jump? More specifically, how is Speedy buried beneath a building while still flying around with the Teen Titans? How is Green Arrow lying on a roof with arrows through his chest while helping with the Bludhaven recovery? And please don't tell me it's Superboy's punches.
DD: I think your best bet is to keep reading and look to 52 for some of the other answers.
Q: Will the DC universe remember both IC and COIE after IC?
DD: Yes, if it didn’t, this question would have faded from memory.
Q: Is it true there was last minute re-writes to IC 6 & 7?
DD: Nope. The ending we went in with is the ending you get..
Q: When Infinite Crisis is released in a hardback or Absolute Edition are the infinite Crisis Specials going to be included in the collection to help make the mini-series make sense with the part of the story they represent (ex. issue #3 Spectre has no host then in issue #4 he bonds with Cris and there’s no explanation)?
DD: No definite plans on the collections just yet, as soon as we have it figured out we will let you know.
Q: What in the world is going on with the Joker? He made an ominous appearance in IC # 1 but at the same time he was being held hostage by the Red Hood after being beaten to a silly pulp...but...wait...wasn't he just in the War Crimes crossover which happened in between the time he was beaten and the time he shows up again?! And he's in Superman/ Batman mixing things up with Mxy...who's....dead......wait what? I remember someone saying that Joker was going to play a big part in things as well, but he's been noticeably absent and yet everywhere during this cross over...what's up?
DD: This might be a good place to remind folks that the DCU does not run on an exact month by month timeline. Given that some stories might need multiple issues to tell the events of a single day and some stories might need only one issue to tell the events of a year, its hard to say that everything that comes out in the same month happens at the same time. That being said, the Joker appearance in IC #1 follows his appearance in the Red Hood story. And he’s not done yet with IC.
Q: Will we see Ray Palmer (the Atom) in Infinite Crisis? Will we soon find out what's he been up to ever since the end of Identity Crisis?
DD: Ray is gone.
Q: On a related note, will we see Ralph Dibny (the Elongated Man) in Infinite Crisis? And will we find out what he's been doing since Identity Crisis?
DD: Ralph is one of the principle players in 52 and you can catch on his adventures there.
Q: Does anyone come back from the dead by the time Infinite Crisis is over?
DD: Looking for anyone in particular?
Q: Please tell me that Detective Chimp will somehow save the universe by the end of Infinite Crisis.
DD: If you ask him, I am sure he feels that way it should turn out.
Q: In Detective #817 Batman mentions Swamp Thing, will we have a clearer idea of the relationship of Vertigo characters with DC "Proper" roots have with the DC Universe? I am not asking for a Detective Chimp /Constantine crossover, it would just be nice for Vertigo and DC characters to acknowledge each other existence like Batman did in Detective.
DD: Since Vertigo books are “mature readers” titles, there are no plans to cross them over with the DCU. If we could do it though, what would be wrong with a Detective Chimp/Constantine crossover?
Q: What happened with the scheduling? The company seemed very good at planning this event ahead about a year in advance (at least what was supposed to happen and it seemed everyone was on the same page), yet in the end it seemed like it didn't matter. I always regarded DC as being on the ball as far as scheduling.
DD: What is happening with the schedule? Everything possible to get these books are time. Some books shifted dates because of delivery problems, others moved because of content and the timing of their stories. Now that CRISIS is coming to a close, we are making every effort to get our schedule under more control.
Q: I really loved the last page to Infinite Crisis #5, but the impact of the big reveal was spoiled earlier by the image of the toy of Superboy in the armour. What happened there? Was this just a goof on DC's part?
DD: Scheduling for solicitations make it a bear to control the release of information, unfortunately, because of timing issues, problems like this arise along the way.
Q: It was said that there was to be some perfect moment in Infinite Crisis #5 that triggers the OYL jump. Did I miss it? Or was it written out of that issue into a later issue?
DD: Nope, what was said was that during issue #5 there was a moment where all the stories synced up. OYL stories occur one year after the conclusion of INFINITE CRISIS #7
Q: Was the fate of Connor Kent, as revealed in Action #837, revealed before IC #6 on purpose, or due to delays?
DD: We tried to keep Conner’s fate ambiguous as presented in Action. Actually, I think Detective Comics spilled the bean.
General DCU
Q: Why hasn't DC ever done anything with Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado, Rima, or Samurai in the DCU? It would be cool to see them join the JLA or maybe the Global Guardians.
DD: Out of all the characters you mentioned only Rima catches my interest. Then again, if one of our writers has an interesting take on one of the others, hey, you never know.
Q: Will the Infinite Crisis Aftermaths (Ion, Shadowpact, Spectre, Secret Six, and Checkmate) take place OYL or at the same time than 52?
DD: All those series and stories, take place One Year Later with some references to the missing year.
Q: What exactly did Blue Beetle Ted Kord become a symbol of? All he managed to accomplish in Countdown was suck and die?
DD: Not sure you read the same issue of COUNTDOWN I read. Ted showed determination and resolve and in the face of overwhelming odds and certain death, stood tall in his conviction and stayed true to his beliefs. If that isn’t hero inspiring, I don’t know what is.
Q: Will the Fawcett heroes return (i.e. Spy Smasher, Bulletman, Ibis, Minute Man, and Mr. Scarlet) to the DCU?
DD: One or two might show up in the new DCU One Year Later.
Q: Jerry Ordway's art on INFINITE CRISIS #5 was absolutely fantabulous. When's DaOrdster going to get a regular ongoing gig?
DD: Following Jerry’s stellar pitch hitting jobs in INFINITE CRISIS #5 and 6, he will be kept plenty busy working with Senior Group Editor Mike Carlin on a couple of new projects.
Q: What is your response to the critics of the "continuity waves"? How do you feel about it being compared to "no more mutants" as a cheap copout?
DD: It is what you make of it. Personally I like it. It addresses a bunch of past inconsistencies and gives us a great starting point to build a more coherent continuity.
Q: How does the Spirit fit in the new DC Universe?
DD: Sorry to say but he doesn’t. Spirit has a place and energy that’s all his own and while we are crossing him over with Batman to start, he is definitely a character that can stand on his own.
Q: How long is "One Year Later” going to last?"
DD: All the changes in One Year Later have lasting effects on their series for the foreseeable future.
Q: Which moment has been your favorite so far?
DD: When I first held issue one of INFINITE CRISIS in my hands.
Q: If I promise to give you $50 dollars at WizardWorld: Chicago this year, will you let Conner survive and become Supernova or at least survive Infinite Crisis? 50 dollars!
DD: Sure, now you tell me.
Q: Ultra the Multi-Alien showed up during the Rann-Thanagar War as a background character. He's been kicking around for years and little has been done with him. Is there ANY chance that this great character (that did carry one of the sci fi titles for at least a year back in the sixties!) will get a taste of rehabilitation and get used again?
DD: Actually, that’s a character I enjoy as well, if only for one of the strangest origins out there. No surprise, except to see him in 52.
Q: Will Neal Adams and Grant Morrison be working on any projects together?
DD: Both men are busy at the moment, but knows what the future will bring.
Q: Why is it illegal to "Bwah-ha-ha" in the DCU?
DD: It depends on what “Bwah-ha-ha” means.
Q: Why aren't the guys from JLU working on stuff in the DCU?
DD: If you mean the comic writer, Adam Beechen, look no further than the ROBIN series. If you mean the writers of the animated series, if Warner Bros. Animation isn’t keeping them busy, we are always interested in hearing their pitches.
Q: Any chance Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond could make the jump from animated continuity to ACTUAL continuity? And if there's a chance, which god must we pay tribute to in order to make it happen?
DD: Keep your tribute, we’ll take care of it here.
Q: There was mentioned somewhere that an Infinity Inc. idea was floating around the DC offices, any update on that?
DD: Infinity Inc. is a favorite around the offices and JSA editor Steve Wacker has taken a real interest in the project.
Q: Any chance of ADVENTURE COMICS ever being revived?
DD: A very good chance.
Q: Was the film that Lois and Clark were watching in the park in SUPERMAN #650 attempting to correlate "Superman's last public appearance, one year ago" with the image of Doomsday that was shown in that panel? Does this mean that: a.) Superman continuity has been erased since the “Death of Superman” (seems unlikely since it was implied that Lex was President); b.) that Doomsday will show up in IC; or c.) that the movie was unreliable about that, just as it was unreliable about Clark’s birthplace and being Superboy?
Or, if you don't want to deal with that: has Superman continuity been revamped again?
Is BIRTHRIGHT still canon?
DD: On all this, changes have been made and only time will tell.
Q: Does Superman wear underwear under the costume already wearing underwear?
DD: Not sure if I can answer that one, it’s more of a question for Lois.
Q: At one point, I believe you said IC would restore the heroes to their most iconic state, or words to that effect. If that is/was true...why didn't you guys select to "erase" the Lois/Clark marriage in the Superman books? While many enjoy seeing them married, that status quo change really does (in my opinion) take away from the classic motif of the "love triangle", which is (arguably) one of the Superman myth's most iconic aspects. To the average Joe on the street, Lois DOESN'T know Clark is Superman. IC seemed to be an opportunity to "erase" the marriage and restore that element. Why not?
DD: We have changed some continuity to correct past inconsistencies in the stories and characters. An event like the dissolution of Clark and Lois’ marriage feels like it needs to be more than just swept under the rug, it was a big story when they got married and it should be a big story when we address it once and for all.
Q: Would a Multiverse create more headaches or more opportunities to attract authors who want to tell good stories? Should we expect to see the Monitor come back as a Rod Serling-type "host" to stories featuring these alternative universes?
DD: Lets see how our one Universe works first. I believe there are enough exciting stories to tell in our continuity that we don’t need a multiverse.
Q: There've been contradictory statements about this... does Seven Soldiers take place before, during, or after Infinite Crisis? If after, before, during, or after 52?
DD: After careful consultation with Grant Morrison, I stand corrected and will now state for the record that SEVEN SOLDIERS takes place a week before INFINITE CRISIS starts.
Q: What up with Darkseid -- does the Mr. Miracle series portend a change in the way we should think about the New Gods?
DD: Next question?
Q: Lynx, Lady Shiva, Jet....are the Dead returning to the DCU?
DD: Following the collapse of the Multiverse in issue six, a new Earth is formed and some who were thought dead appear to have been reborn. If they were meant to survive in the new DCU, they will do so, if they weren’t, things have a way of correcting themselves.
Q: Did Bruce Wayne see a shrink for a year?
DD: That would be some bill, don’t you think?
Q: Did you coordinate with Ronald D. Moore so that both the DCU and Battlestar Galactica would effect a one year later jump in the month of March?
DD: You have to ask SUPERMAN/ BATMAN writer and Battlestar Glactica Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden, since straddles both worlds.
Q: Which Flash appeared at the end of Infinite Crisis #5. Is the belt a clue? Why is there an image of both Wally's belt and Barry's belt?
DD: The new Flash likes to accessorize?
Q: Is Lois Lane preggers?.
DD: That is more of a question for Clark Kent.
Q: What are the chances we'll see the surviving Seven Soldiers characters OYL?
DD: Very good chance in seeing them OYL and in 52.
Q: When are Dick and Babs getting hitched?
DD: Better question is “Why didn’t they get hitched?”
Q: How does the Dick Grayson/Nightwing involvement during OYL fit? How can he be on Africa, New York, and Budapest at the same time?
DD: Please refer back to the earlier answer about how all stories don’t follow an exact month-by-month timeline.
Q: I loved the new Blue Beetle! Any chance that he'll hang out/clash/at least meet with the Teen Titans since, he too is a youth hero?
DD: You can count on it.
Q: In Infinite Crisis, Skeets returns from the future sans fins, instead he has those little floating I-don't-know-whats. In all the 52 previews Skeets has fins again. Why?
DD: Ever image conscious, Booster had Skeets modified after focus tests determined the fans prefer the fins.
Q: After Infinite Crisis, how many people left in the DC Universe will have the powers of The Flash?
DD: One.
Q: How can I put this...will Cassie still have a boyfriend who can fly One Year Later?
DD: One Year Later Cassie is back on the single’s scene.
Q: Where will we first see Captain Atom One Year Later?
DD: Sooner than you think.
Q: Will we see Linda Danvers in 52?
DD: Not sure if Linda Danvers as you remember her made it out of Crisis intact.
Q: When we will find out the fate of the true Arthur Curry?
DD: In due time.
Q: Where has Brainiac been since the Insiders? Any plans for him?
DD: Did I ever mention how much the new writing teams on Superman love that character?
Q: Why is The Monitor on the cover of Brave New World?
DD: Monitor? I saw a new Atom, Phantom Lady, Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel, Creeper, and OMAC. I didn’t see the Monitor.
Q: Will we see Bart Allen again?
DD: Soon enough.
Q: Will the new Doom Patrol in "Titans" be a combination of all the DP's that have come before?
DD: Every incarnation of Doom Patrol is now in continuity and this is the newest team.
Q: I really dug seeing a new Global Guardians in this week's Green Lantern. Will we be seeing more of them, hopefully in a more regular/permanent manner?
DD: We are making every effort to diversify the reach of the DC Universe and the Global Guardians will play a big part in it.
Q: No need to reveal details of the pitch but...what so far has been your favourite OYL pitch?
DD: No real favorite but I always like to point to Aquaman’s One Year Later as the one that saved the book from cancellation.
Q: OYL, is there still a Fortress of Solitude?
DD: Yep, still a Fortress of Solitude.
Q: The "new" Ray in Freedom Fighters... Ray Terrill or no?
DD: Nope.
Q: Any hints on what James Robinson will be working on for DC after his Batman/Detective Comics story-arc?
DD: Sure, his story takes place in a particular year in the DC Universe.
Q: Why is Robin safe with meeting Commissioner Gordon in Batman/Detective Comics, but is on the run from the GCPD in his own title? Is there a time discrepancy between the two, and if so, how much?
DD: There goes that “not an exact month by month timeline” thing again.
Q: Any plans for Captain Comet OYL?
DD: Not only are there plans for Captain Comet OYL, but he also plays an important role in 52.
Q: Will Cassandra Sandsmark be pregnant at any point during 52?
DD: Nope, she and Conner were more careful than that.
Q: When will we see a new Metal Men series (ongoing or limited series)?
DD: No plans for a Metal Men series yet, but they will be keep plenty busy in 52 and an upcoming arc in SUPERMAN/ BATMAN.
Q: Will there be a Batwoman book?
DD: Who is this Batwoman everyone keeps asking about?
Q: Will the Question's depiction in 52 honor the continuity from the Dennis O'Neil/Denys Cowan ongoing series? What about the recent miniseries?
DD: The Question, as he appears in 52, captures the style and tone of that classic O’Neil and Cowan run.
Q: Will we see Catwoman in 52?
DD: You will see nearly every character in the DC Universe in 52. Catwoman included.
Q: Where will we be able to follow the missing year of the Big 3, since they're not featured in 52?
DD: Where else, but 52, of course.
Q: Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog. Could there be plans?
DD: Check out the OYL TEEN TITANS for two of the three you mentioned.
Q: Are there are more plans for Marv Wolfman OYL?
DD: He’s working on a new mini series as we speak.
Q: With Blue Beetle a Hispanic and the new Atom Asian, is there a conscious effort for more racially diverse characters OYL?
DD: Absolutely, and the global reach of the DC Universe will be felt fully as new heroes are revealed in the pages of, you guessed it, 52.
Q: After 52 is over, how long is our break going to be before the next event/crossover? Are we talking, months, years, decades? Can you commit to a certain "Mega-Wallet-Draining-Event-Free-Period"?
DD: Following Crisis, we are allowing each series to stand on there own while we wait and see what characters and concepts are embraced by the fans. But don’t look at this as “taking a break”, quite the opposite, we are making sure that every series has the energy, excitement, creators and stories that will make you keep coming back month after month. Mega wallet draining is what making good comics is all about.
Q: Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Sgt. Bilko, Alan Ladd, and Dobie Gillis have been missing from the DC Universe for years! Will they show up in INFINITE CRISIS #7 or 52? Seriously though, is there any chance of their stories being collected in a SHOWCASE PRESENTS trade?
DD: Unfortunately, due to rights issues, there is no chance of seeing them anytime soon.
Q: Once Crisis Counseling is over here at Newsarama -- would you consider continuing this monthly get together with DC fans?
DD: Well, we got one more Crisis Counseling to go, so thanks for the offer. For the time being I will be using the conventions and the DC Nation page as way to reach out to the fans, but if the Newsarama guys feel that from time to time there is a topic worth discussing in this forum I would more than happy to participate.
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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Thank you, Pro! That was quite interesting. I like that there will be more racial diversity at DC. The DC comics I read when I was a kid back in the 60's featured characters that were nearly ALL white...with a blue, green, and red hero thrown in here and there.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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I'm just sayin' 10000+ posts
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I can't believe I read all of that.
It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.
I can get you a toe.
1,999,999+ points.
Damn you and your lemonade!!
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I can't believe you can't believe you read all of that...
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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It wasn't THAT much to read..try reading an 840 page Harry Potter book!
Now THAT'S a lot to read!
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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I see Ultra - The Multi Alien was mentioned in your post, Pro..I really like Ultra, a lot! I read his 8 issues back when they were brand new!
True, he had a very odd appearance... but he was unique, and so were his powers. I would like very much to see him brought back! Click on the link to both see what he looks like, and to read of his origin :
A bit about Ultra :
Created by Dave Wood and Lee Elias
Ultra, the Multi-Alien, © DC Comics
Real Name: Ace Arn
Occupation: Spaceship pilot, adventurer
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Bonnie Denton Blake (fiancée)
Group Affiliation: None
Height: 5'10" (as Arn); 6'2" (as Ultra)
Weight: 157 lbs. (as Arn); 163 lbs. (as Ultra)
Eyes: Blue (as Arn); Black (as Ultra)
Hair: Brown (as Arn); Half bald, half green, later half bald, half white (as Ultra)
Destinguishing Features: Caucasian white (as Arn); One fourth green, one fourth blue, one fourth orange with feathers, and one fourth consisting of pure energy (as Ultra)
First Appearance: Mystery in Space #103 (November 1965)
Profile written by Ola Hellsten
Although it has never been determined exactly when the adventures of the hero known as Ultra, the Multi-Alien take place, it is said to be part of our near future. At that time, Earth has successfully navigated the solar system and developed a business in shuttling tourists between its planets.
During one such routine trip to Jupiter, pilot Captain Ace Arn's ship was caught in the magnetic field of a comet. After successfully evacuating the ship, Arn found himself trapped in the cockpit and unable to avoid crashing into an asteroid. To Arn's surprise, he survived the crash and learned the asteroid was hollow, serving as the secret base for an interstellar criminal organization led by the scientific genius Zobra.
The solar system the asteroid orbited was in fact a synthetic one, consisting of four worlds - Ulla, Laroo, Trago, and Raagan, each populated by a different dominant race. One member from each world were part of Zobra's criminal gang.
Zobra had invented a weapon that would transform whomever it was fired at into a duplicate of the being firing the weapon. Each of Zobra's four alien lieutenants was armed with one such weapon, allowing Zobra to complete his plans to blackmail the four planets.
While gloating over his plan, Zobra accidentally unleashed a poisonous gas which killed him. The four surviving gang members each raced to the asteroid to gain control of the blackmail plans, each hoping to rule the group.
Into this mess, Arn's spaceship crashed. He found the blackmail plans and tried to decipher the alien writing. As he emerged from the lab, the four aliens fired at him at precisely the same moment, thereby transforming Arn into a freakish multi-being, a conglomeration of the four races. Using the powers he gained from the transformation, Arn defeated the four, then used their superior intellect to repair his ship, and returned to Earth.
On Earth he began a successful crimefighting career, opposing villains such as Doctor Dynamo and the Pied Piper of Pluto, using as his alias an anagram formed of the names of the alien worlds - "Ultra". While his heroic acts were highly regarded by the public, Ultra was constantly remembered of what he had sacrificed for it: his humanity and the love of his girlfriend Bonnie, who believed that Arn had died in the accident that transformed him into Ultra.
Arn devoted much of his time finding a cure for his transformation. During a battle with Doctor Dynamo, Ultra discovered that a part of the criminal's technology, called the "DeMoleculizer", could restore his true form. However, Arn had to regain his Ultra form to defeat Dynamo, during which time the villain managed to destroy the DeMoleculizer, again trapping Arn in his inhuman form.
This event led Ultra to conduct a series of experiments to duplicate the effects of the DeMoleculizer. After many disappointments, Arn was finally successful, building a "Hyper-Converter" allowing him to revert from Ultra to human at will.
Arn returned to his hometown of Dalesville, and was happily reunited with Bonnie, explaining that he was rescued from a remote asteroid by Ultra. However, Bonnie had already begun to suspect that Ultra was really Arn. After this "happy ending", Ultra the Multi-Alien continued to successfully combat evil throughout the solar system.
Ultra was last seen sitting in a Space Taxi, together with fellow adventurers Space Ranger and Space Cabby, which would indicate that the he was active in the 22nd century, the era of the latter two. However, he also stated that he was working for the Space Museum at the time, which confuses things since the Museum was founded in the 25th century.
Ultra has also been seen in visions of the future event known as "Kingdom Come", suggesting that the adventures of Ultra take place circa twenty years from now. Whether this is really Ultra's time period, or if this was a glimpse of an alternate future, or a possible future that will not be, or even if he has been displaced in time, remains to be seen. After all, Hypertime is not that a reliable state of reality.
Ultra's body comprises of four alien beings, each with an individual ability which, when combined, makes him a formidable force for justice.
His upper left side has magnetic abilities that allow him to repel or attract objects. His upper right side has incredible strength, equal to that of several humans, and invulnerability. His lower left side is composed of solid energy which can generate bolts of pure energy. The lower right side gives him the ability to fly. To this you can add an increased level of intelligence, combining the brains of the four races.
Ultra can also keep his super-energy channeled from one quadrant of his body to another, or contain an injury or poison to one quarter of his being.
Ultra's Hyper-Converter Belt allows him to change from Arn to Ultra and back again, as often as he wants to, without any known side-effects.
Ultra also has has the powers of telescopic vision and super-speed. Which of his alien quadrants gave him these powers is not known.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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It was good to see dan mentioned Rima, the jungle girl...
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Dan Didio said:DD: We explained that following CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS when the multiverse collapsed into one universe and one world, that one world was not fully settled and still resonated with vibrations of the other worlds. When Alex Luthor created the “heaven” dimension where the four heroes escaped, it was built from the remnant energies of the Multiverse and closed around them like a cocoon. The pounding on a wall built from the Multiverse, affected a universe still resonating with the Multiverse, thereby changing time and history. Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
Does he seriously not feel like a fucking idiot when he says shit like that? I mean, how can we publish things like this and expect the mainstream to accept comic books as a legitimate artform?
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
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That's NOT the stupidest thing I ever read in a comic, Danny. I remember an old Batman comic book from the mid 1960's where Batman and Robin were each rolled up in a carpet and helpless..and Batman managed to save them because he took his glove off, and managed to cut through the carpet with a broken fingernail he had.
I clipped my nails a few days later, and tried to cut my carpet with a nail...It did not work. I was 7 or 8..even at that age, I knew bullshit when I smelled it.
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Danny said:
Dan Didio said:DD: We explained that following CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS when the multiverse collapsed into one universe and one world, that one world was not fully settled and still resonated with vibrations of the other worlds. When Alex Luthor created the “heaven” dimension where the four heroes escaped, it was built from the remnant energies of the Multiverse and closed around them like a cocoon. The pounding on a wall built from the Multiverse, affected a universe still resonating with the Multiverse, thereby changing time and history. Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
Does he seriously not feel like a fucking idiot when he says shit like that? I mean, how can we publish things like this and expect the mainstream to accept comic books as a legitimate artform?
Just as we now look back on 50s sci-fi as silly but oddly cool nonetheless, one day, Daniel, in the far future, someone will look back on this and say, "What a hilariously kitsch plot device! Superboy Prime changed reality with punches!"
There could have been a variety of other ways to have done this, ranging from blaming Darkseid and a nasty machine utilising the Anti-Life Equation, to a mature and simple: "Ok, we accept you're adults, we're just going to change some stuff, ok?"
Instead, we have that ubiquitous plot vehicle of superhero comics, the punch, doing the editing.
And in the meantime, until that kitsch, happy day, we have Vertigo, and other adult titles to keep us sane.
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"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here.
Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!"
"So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children."
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Beardguy57 said: That's NOT the stupidest thing I ever read in a comic, Danny. I remember an old Batman comic book from the mid 1960's where Batman and Robin were each rolled up in a carpet and helpless..and Batman managed to save them because he took his glove off, and managed to cut through the carpet with a broken fingernail he had.
I clipped my nails a few days later, and tried to cut my carpet with a nail...It did not work. I was 7 or 8..even at that age, I knew bullshit when I smelled it.
Well, duh... you have to be wearing nailpolish with a diamond-base in order to have nails sharp and solid enough to cut through the fibres in a rug! 
Can't believe they left that important detail out!

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First Amongst Daves said:
And in the meantime, until that kitsch, happy day, we have Vertigo, and other adult titles to keep us sane.
Yeah, but which comics get the mainstream attention? Which comics get the big movie adaptations which are hoped to bring people into comic stores? When you tell someone you read comic books, which are the first concepts that they mention?
That's right, superheroes.
We'll never have respect until the variety of genres offered by lines such as Vertigo is the norm, not just the low selling titles making up the fringes of the market.
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
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The Time Trust said:
Beardguy57 said: That's NOT the stupidest thing I ever read in a comic, Danny. I remember an old Batman comic book from the mid 1960's where Batman and Robin were each rolled up in a carpet and helpless..and Batman managed to save them because he took his glove off, and managed to cut through the carpet with a broken fingernail he had.
I clipped my nails a few days later, and tried to cut my carpet with a nail...It did not work. I was 7 or 8..even at that age, I knew bullshit when I smelled it.
Well, duh... you have to be wearing nailpolish with a diamond-base in order to have nails sharp and solid enough to cut through the fibres in a rug! 
Can't believe they left that important detail out!
Thank you for a good laugh, TTT.. I needed it..I'm going to the dentist today. 
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Chewy Walrus said:
 "Say 'Ah!' Say, 'Aah!' Say 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!'"
Thanks, Chewy...I appreciate your trying to cheer me up. 
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First Amongst Daves said: There could have been a variety of other ways to have done this, ranging from blaming Darkseid and a nasty machine utilising the Anti-Life Equation, to a mature and simple: "Ok, we accept you're adults, we're just going to change some stuff, ok?"
That's what I liked about acknowledging the original Crisis at the beginning of IC; it was like saying "C'mon, who are we kidding? All that stuff happened, the silly retcons didn't". Now they've gone and ruined it by pulling stuff like this.
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Q: Will we see Ray Palmer (the Atom) in Infinite Crisis? Will we soon find out what's he been up to ever since the end of Identity Crisis? DD: Ray is gone. ******************************* Thanks for not being vague or at all forthcoming with that answer, Dildo. 
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Q: With Blue Beetle a Hispanic and the new Atom Asian, is there a conscious effort for more racially diverse characters OYL?
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Prometheus said: Q: At one point, I believe you said IC would restore the heroes to their most iconic state, or words to that effect. If that is/was true...why didn't you guys select to "erase" the Lois/Clark marriage in the Superman books? While many enjoy seeing them married, that status quo change really does (in my opinion) take away from the classic motif of the "love triangle", which is (arguably) one of the Superman myth's most iconic aspects. To the average Joe on the street, Lois DOESN'T know Clark is Superman. IC seemed to be an opportunity to "erase" the marriage and restore that element. Why not?
DD: We have changed some continuity to correct past inconsistencies in the stories and characters. An event like the dissolution of Clark and Lois’ marriage feels like it needs to be more than just swept under the rug, it was a big story when they got married and it should be a big story when we address it once and for all.

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Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
Of course, even if someone did something good with that, someone else would still bring her back in a year...
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Lois could be a good solo character if she had nothing to do with Superman. I certainly don't think that DC would ever get rid of the character forever, since she's one of the few comics characters who has recognition by non-comics readers. Maybe someone should try a Catwoman-style makeover with the character, launching her in her own book and crossing over with the Superman books only once in a while.
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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said: Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
Amen brother!! 
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Prometheus said:
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said: Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
Amen brother!!
I think that the Superbaby should burst forth from her womb like the chestburster in Alien. Just imagine how great that panel would look.
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Killconey said:
Prometheus said:
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said: Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
Amen brother!!
I think that the Superbaby should burst forth from her womb like the chestburster in Alien. Just imagine how great that panel would look.
I think the Superbaby should already be wearing a cape and flying out like Supergirl on the cover of Action Comics #252. Superbaby should be smiling with a surprised while a surprised Superman looks on in amazement.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said: Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
So...basically...you want a fucking "Lifetime Movie of the Week"? 
Or maybe you'd like Kevin Smith to combine his "hit" movie "Jersey Girl" with his ten year old film treatment of Superman and give us "Super Single Dad"? 
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It sounds bad when you put it like that, but under capable hands it would be great. Example: the Armageddon 2001 annual where Lois and the baby die, and the guilt makes Superman exile himself in space again, where he hooks up with Maxima. It's one of the few stories with Superman actually getting over Lois and ending up with someone else.
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Killconey said:
Prometheus said:
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Actually, I think it would be sweet to make Lois die while having the baby. Who likes the character anymore, anyway? It would give a proper ending to the relationship (that started getting stale when the love triangle ended), and open up new possibilities, like Superman's guilt over being responsible for Lois' death, him being a single parent, and the real possibility of him finding someone else.
Amen brother!!
I think that the Superbaby should burst forth from her womb like the chestburster in Alien. Just imagine how great that panel would look.
Actually, the Superbaby could be shown flying out of Lois' stomach..in much the same way as the Superman comic cover in this thread depicts Supergirl flying out of the rocket she came to Earth in.
Lois and Superman could be shown freaking out..and the baby could be all bloody and smiling...like a little Super - Chucky. 
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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said: It sounds bad when you put it like that, but under capable hands it would be great.
This is the company that thinks Austen, Loeb and Winnick are "capable hands"
Example: the Armageddon 2001 annual where Lois and the baby die, and the guilt makes Superman exile himself in space again, where he hooks up with Maxima. It's one of the few stories with Superman actually getting over Lois and ending up with someone else.
I remember that story. It was okay. But nothing I'd want to see on a monthly basis.
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the G-man said: This is the company that thinks Austen, Loeb and Winnick are "capable hands"
It sounds bad when you put it like that, but under capable hands it would be great.
the G-man said:I remember that story. It was okay. But nothing I'd want to see on a monthly basis.
You're the one who says the end of the love triangle killed the books. Getting Lois out of the way for good would give Superman new motivations.
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The end of the love triangle killed the books, but I honestly think that making Superman a single dad is a cure worse than the current disease. Sort of like trying to revive a corpse by setting it on fire.
Superman is not Spider-man. He's not even Batman. He's a "wish fulfillment" character on some levels. When you start saddling him with a wife and/or a kid and/or make him a single dad, you're making him a different and, in my opinion, not terribly successful, character.
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I have ideas for how to make Superman VERY interesting, but I wonder if they are too far fetched to post here...... 
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Nothing is too farfetched to post here.
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Killconey said:
Nothing is too farfetched to post here.
Ok..you asked for it!
I would have Clark Kent wake up one morning..go to his bathroom to get ready for the day..and realize as he looks in the mirror..that he is now black!
On Krypton, a dormant gene sometimes is active in a child of a white couple. It means any offspring they have..will be born black. Jor - El, upon seeing Kal -El and realizing that he would be ostracised because he is a black child with this gene born to white parents.
Scientist that he is, Joe - El finds a way to tinker with newborn Kal's genes..and turn him white.
The process proved to be unstable, however, as a Clark in his early thirties finds out. He learns of what happens..and how it is irreversible.
How would Lois react now? Is she prejudiced, or could she keep up with the changes? How would Clark handle his job, friends, his life? How would he be Superman now? It would be very difficult to convince everyone that he is Superman, and, even if he could, many would not accept a black Superman, although many would.
That is how I would change Superman.
If you saw the movie, " Watermellon Man", yes, I got the idea from this movie, where a bigoted white man awakens one morning..to discover that he is now black.
Godfrey Cambridge and Estelle Parsons starred in this 1970 movie, which was years ahead of it's time. Estelle Parsons played Roseanne's mom in the Roseanne show for 9 years.
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That would be awesome! I have no idea how Superman could possibly deal with that. It would definitely make his secret identity a lot harder to hide too because black people seem to have trouble getting a spit curl in their hair.
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I would just kill Lois, period. Move Clark to a more suburban area of Metropolis, and have him concentrate on being a novelist. No kids. No wife. And fuck the whole "reporter" schtick (sp?). Have him date women, like a single guy does. Have his research for books or freelance articles for the Planet be his motivation into dealing with true political and social corruption. Gets him back to his Golden Age roots, but, still allows him a whole new lease on life. Also, kill Lex Luthor, and create someone new to fill the void of "archnemesis". I've always preferred someone like Zod, anyway...
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the G-man said: The end of the love triangle killed the books, but I honestly think that making Superman a single dad is a cure worse than the current disease. Sort of like trying to revive a corpse by setting it on fire.
If it's something cute like "Look, my baby's flying!" then yes, but what if it's something weird? Who knows what troubles the baby would have from having such incompatible DNAs. Remember when Miracleman had a kid... Now, I wouldn't want something as dark and cynical as that, but something as fantastic would be cool.
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Prometheus said: From Newsaram :
Q: We've seen the return of the Anti-Monitor's armor. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't feel like it would be a full "anniversary" of the original Crisis without the Anti-Monitor.
With that in mind, will we be seeing an Anti-Monitor for the new millennium? Such as the High Definition, Flat Screen, Wall-Mounted, Plasma Anti-Monitor?
DD: Superboy Prime’s appearance in an Ant-Monitor inspired costume is more of a passing homage to than a harbinger for that character. As for a Hi Def Plasma Monitor, I think we will all have to wait for it a bit longer until the prices come down.
Q: Will we see The Monitor in Infinite Crisis?
DD: You will not see The Monitor in Infinite Crisis.
Q: Is there a plausible explanation as to WHY and HOW Superboy Prime can alter reality by hitting some sort of imaginary wall? Even in the quasi-scientific world of superhero comics, that's a real big stretch.
DD: We explained that following CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS when the multiverse collapsed into one universe and one world, that one world was not fully settled and still resonated with vibrations of the other worlds. When Alex Luthor created the “heaven” dimension where the four heroes escaped, it was built from the remnant energies of the Multiverse and closed around them like a cocoon. The pounding on a wall built from the Multiverse, affected a universe still resonating with the Multiverse, thereby changing time and history. Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
Q: Is it safe to assume that Alexander was the one who wiped Max Lord's dossiers and files at the end of Countdown?
DD: Bingo. Two things came from that single action. Alex determined which heroes he needed to power his tower and he set Checkmate and the OMACs in motion.
Q: Alexander said that he was searching for the "perfect" world. Earth-1 Superman said that a perfect world is one that doesn't need a Superman. I get the feeling that there is a distinct correlation between these two factors. Afterall, a Luthor is a Luthor is a Luthor. Thoughts on that, Dan?
DD: The perfect earth to any Luthor is the one where there is no Superman.
Q: We know that Batman's "sin" was creating the conditions that allowed the OMACS to be created (and Brother Eye) and we know that Wonder Woman's "sin" was killing Max Lord. What is Superman's sin? Is it simply that he failed to inspire?
DD: Superman’s “sin” was inaction and that there are times where he must lead and not just react.
Q: Do the original Crisis survivors think that Supergirl is the same one that died during Crisis? If not, why do they refer to the current DC Earth as Earth-1?
DD: As many have stated, the Earth following COIE was not Earth-1 but a derivation of it. Following the events of INFINITE CRISIS, if the Earth survives, it too will be a derivation of Earth –1. Our Supergirl will be known and accepted as the one, true Supergirl.
Q: Will Brainiac appear in IC?
DD: Not sure what he is up to at this moment, but something must be keeping him busy since he managed to avoid the entire Crisis.
Q: Dan, can you discuss the decision to have the heroes open issue #5 in church? I found this interesting.
DD: The thought was that when the heroes were at their weakest, some might choose a moment a spiritual reflection in order to prepare for what lied ahead. We felt it was an aspect of their personalities that we rarely touch on and would add a level of deep to the characters involved.
Q: Will Power Girl do anything other then sleep on that tower for the rest of IC? Are there any plans for her OYL?
DD: Power Girl will be seen in both SUPERGIRL and JSA One Year Later.
Q: During IC: Secret Files, it is implied that Alex was manipulating Superboy-Prime by showing him the death of his parents and girlfriend, any confirmation on this?
DD: Alex did what he needed to do in order to get what he wanted.
Q: E-2 Wonder Woman: Dead or just somewhere else?
DD: E-2 Wonder Woman is gone for good.
Q: Superboy-Prime: Does he love Alex or is he just confused?
DD: Superboy Prime, was alone and needed a friend. Being closest in age he had more a connection with Alex than Superman and Lois.
Q: Is Booster still married to Gladys or did Superboy Prime get her too?
DD: Gladys is gone, one of the few good things Superboy Prime’s “wall punching” accomplished.
Q: What's the timeline for Green Arrow, Speedy, and the rest of the Arrow family during Infinite Crisis before the OYL jump? More specifically, how is Speedy buried beneath a building while still flying around with the Teen Titans? How is Green Arrow lying on a roof with arrows through his chest while helping with the Bludhaven recovery? And please don't tell me it's Superboy's punches.
DD: I think your best bet is to keep reading and look to 52 for some of the other answers.
Q: Will the DC universe remember both IC and COIE after IC?
DD: Yes, if it didn’t, this question would have faded from memory.
Q: Is it true there was last minute re-writes to IC 6 & 7?
DD: Nope. The ending we went in with is the ending you get..
Q: When Infinite Crisis is released in a hardback or Absolute Edition are the infinite Crisis Specials going to be included in the collection to help make the mini-series make sense with the part of the story they represent (ex. issue #3 Spectre has no host then in issue #4 he bonds with Cris and there’s no explanation)?
DD: No definite plans on the collections just yet, as soon as we have it figured out we will let you know.
Q: What in the world is going on with the Joker? He made an ominous appearance in IC # 1 but at the same time he was being held hostage by the Red Hood after being beaten to a silly pulp...but...wait...wasn't he just in the War Crimes crossover which happened in between the time he was beaten and the time he shows up again?! And he's in Superman/ Batman mixing things up with Mxy...who's....dead......wait what? I remember someone saying that Joker was going to play a big part in things as well, but he's been noticeably absent and yet everywhere during this cross over...what's up?
DD: This might be a good place to remind folks that the DCU does not run on an exact month by month timeline. Given that some stories might need multiple issues to tell the events of a single day and some stories might need only one issue to tell the events of a year, its hard to say that everything that comes out in the same month happens at the same time. That being said, the Joker appearance in IC #1 follows his appearance in the Red Hood story. And he’s not done yet with IC.
Q: Will we see Ray Palmer (the Atom) in Infinite Crisis? Will we soon find out what's he been up to ever since the end of Identity Crisis?
DD: Ray is gone.
Q: On a related note, will we see Ralph Dibny (the Elongated Man) in Infinite Crisis? And will we find out what he's been doing since Identity Crisis?
DD: Ralph is one of the principle players in 52 and you can catch on his adventures there.
Q: Does anyone come back from the dead by the time Infinite Crisis is over?
DD: Looking for anyone in particular?
Q: Please tell me that Detective Chimp will somehow save the universe by the end of Infinite Crisis.
DD: If you ask him, I am sure he feels that way it should turn out.
Q: In Detective #817 Batman mentions Swamp Thing, will we have a clearer idea of the relationship of Vertigo characters with DC "Proper" roots have with the DC Universe? I am not asking for a Detective Chimp /Constantine crossover, it would just be nice for Vertigo and DC characters to acknowledge each other existence like Batman did in Detective.
DD: Since Vertigo books are “mature readers” titles, there are no plans to cross them over with the DCU. If we could do it though, what would be wrong with a Detective Chimp/Constantine crossover?
Q: What happened with the scheduling? The company seemed very good at planning this event ahead about a year in advance (at least what was supposed to happen and it seemed everyone was on the same page), yet in the end it seemed like it didn't matter. I always regarded DC as being on the ball as far as scheduling.
DD: What is happening with the schedule? Everything possible to get these books are time. Some books shifted dates because of delivery problems, others moved because of content and the timing of their stories. Now that CRISIS is coming to a close, we are making every effort to get our schedule under more control.
Q: I really loved the last page to Infinite Crisis #5, but the impact of the big reveal was spoiled earlier by the image of the toy of Superboy in the armour. What happened there? Was this just a goof on DC's part?
DD: Scheduling for solicitations make it a bear to control the release of information, unfortunately, because of timing issues, problems like this arise along the way.
Q: It was said that there was to be some perfect moment in Infinite Crisis #5 that triggers the OYL jump. Did I miss it? Or was it written out of that issue into a later issue?
DD: Nope, what was said was that during issue #5 there was a moment where all the stories synced up. OYL stories occur one year after the conclusion of INFINITE CRISIS #7
Q: Was the fate of Connor Kent, as revealed in Action #837, revealed before IC #6 on purpose, or due to delays?
DD: We tried to keep Conner’s fate ambiguous as presented in Action. Actually, I think Detective Comics spilled the bean.
General DCU
Q: Why hasn't DC ever done anything with Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado, Rima, or Samurai in the DCU? It would be cool to see them join the JLA or maybe the Global Guardians.
DD: Out of all the characters you mentioned only Rima catches my interest. Then again, if one of our writers has an interesting take on one of the others, hey, you never know.
Q: Will the Infinite Crisis Aftermaths (Ion, Shadowpact, Spectre, Secret Six, and Checkmate) take place OYL or at the same time than 52?
DD: All those series and stories, take place One Year Later with some references to the missing year.
Q: What exactly did Blue Beetle Ted Kord become a symbol of? All he managed to accomplish in Countdown was suck and die?
DD: Not sure you read the same issue of COUNTDOWN I read. Ted showed determination and resolve and in the face of overwhelming odds and certain death, stood tall in his conviction and stayed true to his beliefs. If that isn’t hero inspiring, I don’t know what is.
Q: Will the Fawcett heroes return (i.e. Spy Smasher, Bulletman, Ibis, Minute Man, and Mr. Scarlet) to the DCU?
DD: One or two might show up in the new DCU One Year Later.
Q: Jerry Ordway's art on INFINITE CRISIS #5 was absolutely fantabulous. When's DaOrdster going to get a regular ongoing gig?
DD: Following Jerry’s stellar pitch hitting jobs in INFINITE CRISIS #5 and 6, he will be kept plenty busy working with Senior Group Editor Mike Carlin on a couple of new projects.
Q: What is your response to the critics of the "continuity waves"? How do you feel about it being compared to "no more mutants" as a cheap copout?
DD: It is what you make of it. Personally I like it. It addresses a bunch of past inconsistencies and gives us a great starting point to build a more coherent continuity.
Q: How does the Spirit fit in the new DC Universe?
DD: Sorry to say but he doesn’t. Spirit has a place and energy that’s all his own and while we are crossing him over with Batman to start, he is definitely a character that can stand on his own.
Q: How long is "One Year Later” going to last?"
DD: All the changes in One Year Later have lasting effects on their series for the foreseeable future.
Q: Which moment has been your favorite so far?
DD: When I first held issue one of INFINITE CRISIS in my hands.
Q: If I promise to give you $50 dollars at WizardWorld: Chicago this year, will you let Conner survive and become Supernova or at least survive Infinite Crisis? 50 dollars!
DD: Sure, now you tell me.
Q: Ultra the Multi-Alien showed up during the Rann-Thanagar War as a background character. He's been kicking around for years and little has been done with him. Is there ANY chance that this great character (that did carry one of the sci fi titles for at least a year back in the sixties!) will get a taste of rehabilitation and get used again?
DD: Actually, that’s a character I enjoy as well, if only for one of the strangest origins out there. No surprise, except to see him in 52.
Q: Will Neal Adams and Grant Morrison be working on any projects together?
DD: Both men are busy at the moment, but knows what the future will bring.
Q: Why is it illegal to "Bwah-ha-ha" in the DCU?
DD: It depends on what “Bwah-ha-ha” means.
Q: Why aren't the guys from JLU working on stuff in the DCU?
DD: If you mean the comic writer, Adam Beechen, look no further than the ROBIN series. If you mean the writers of the animated series, if Warner Bros. Animation isn’t keeping them busy, we are always interested in hearing their pitches.
Q: Any chance Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond could make the jump from animated continuity to ACTUAL continuity? And if there's a chance, which god must we pay tribute to in order to make it happen?
DD: Keep your tribute, we’ll take care of it here.
Q: There was mentioned somewhere that an Infinity Inc. idea was floating around the DC offices, any update on that?
DD: Infinity Inc. is a favorite around the offices and JSA editor Steve Wacker has taken a real interest in the project.
Q: Any chance of ADVENTURE COMICS ever being revived?
DD: A very good chance.
Q: Was the film that Lois and Clark were watching in the park in SUPERMAN #650 attempting to correlate "Superman's last public appearance, one year ago" with the image of Doomsday that was shown in that panel? Does this mean that: a.) Superman continuity has been erased since the “Death of Superman” (seems unlikely since it was implied that Lex was President); b.) that Doomsday will show up in IC; or c.) that the movie was unreliable about that, just as it was unreliable about Clark’s birthplace and being Superboy?
Or, if you don't want to deal with that: has Superman continuity been revamped again?
Is BIRTHRIGHT still canon?
DD: On all this, changes have been made and only time will tell.
Q: Does Superman wear underwear under the costume already wearing underwear?
DD: Not sure if I can answer that one, it’s more of a question for Lois.
Q: At one point, I believe you said IC would restore the heroes to their most iconic state, or words to that effect. If that is/was true...why didn't you guys select to "erase" the Lois/Clark marriage in the Superman books? While many enjoy seeing them married, that status quo change really does (in my opinion) take away from the classic motif of the "love triangle", which is (arguably) one of the Superman myth's most iconic aspects. To the average Joe on the street, Lois DOESN'T know Clark is Superman. IC seemed to be an opportunity to "erase" the marriage and restore that element. Why not?
DD: We have changed some continuity to correct past inconsistencies in the stories and characters. An event like the dissolution of Clark and Lois’ marriage feels like it needs to be more than just swept under the rug, it was a big story when they got married and it should be a big story when we address it once and for all.
Q: Would a Multiverse create more headaches or more opportunities to attract authors who want to tell good stories? Should we expect to see the Monitor come back as a Rod Serling-type "host" to stories featuring these alternative universes?
DD: Lets see how our one Universe works first. I believe there are enough exciting stories to tell in our continuity that we don’t need a multiverse.
Q: There've been contradictory statements about this... does Seven Soldiers take place before, during, or after Infinite Crisis? If after, before, during, or after 52?
DD: After careful consultation with Grant Morrison, I stand corrected and will now state for the record that SEVEN SOLDIERS takes place a week before INFINITE CRISIS starts.
Q: What up with Darkseid -- does the Mr. Miracle series portend a change in the way we should think about the New Gods?
DD: Next question?
Q: Lynx, Lady Shiva, Jet....are the Dead returning to the DCU?
DD: Following the collapse of the Multiverse in issue six, a new Earth is formed and some who were thought dead appear to have been reborn. If they were meant to survive in the new DCU, they will do so, if they weren’t, things have a way of correcting themselves.
Q: Did Bruce Wayne see a shrink for a year?
DD: That would be some bill, don’t you think?
Q: Did you coordinate with Ronald D. Moore so that both the DCU and Battlestar Galactica would effect a one year later jump in the month of March?
DD: You have to ask SUPERMAN/ BATMAN writer and Battlestar Glactica Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden, since straddles both worlds.
Q: Which Flash appeared at the end of Infinite Crisis #5. Is the belt a clue? Why is there an image of both Wally's belt and Barry's belt?
DD: The new Flash likes to accessorize?
Q: Is Lois Lane preggers?.
DD: That is more of a question for Clark Kent.
Q: What are the chances we'll see the surviving Seven Soldiers characters OYL?
DD: Very good chance in seeing them OYL and in 52.
Q: When are Dick and Babs getting hitched?
DD: Better question is “Why didn’t they get hitched?”
Q: How does the Dick Grayson/Nightwing involvement during OYL fit? How can he be on Africa, New York, and Budapest at the same time?
DD: Please refer back to the earlier answer about how all stories don’t follow an exact month-by-month timeline.
Q: I loved the new Blue Beetle! Any chance that he'll hang out/clash/at least meet with the Teen Titans since, he too is a youth hero?
DD: You can count on it.
Q: In Infinite Crisis, Skeets returns from the future sans fins, instead he has those little floating I-don't-know-whats. In all the 52 previews Skeets has fins again. Why?
DD: Ever image conscious, Booster had Skeets modified after focus tests determined the fans prefer the fins.
Q: After Infinite Crisis, how many people left in the DC Universe will have the powers of The Flash?
DD: One.
Q: How can I put this...will Cassie still have a boyfriend who can fly One Year Later?
DD: One Year Later Cassie is back on the single’s scene.
Q: Where will we first see Captain Atom One Year Later?
DD: Sooner than you think.
Q: Will we see Linda Danvers in 52?
DD: Not sure if Linda Danvers as you remember her made it out of Crisis intact.
Q: When we will find out the fate of the true Arthur Curry?
DD: In due time.
Q: Where has Brainiac been since the Insiders? Any plans for him?
DD: Did I ever mention how much the new writing teams on Superman love that character?
Q: Why is The Monitor on the cover of Brave New World?
DD: Monitor? I saw a new Atom, Phantom Lady, Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel, Creeper, and OMAC. I didn’t see the Monitor.
Q: Will we see Bart Allen again?
DD: Soon enough.
Q: Will the new Doom Patrol in "Titans" be a combination of all the DP's that have come before?
DD: Every incarnation of Doom Patrol is now in continuity and this is the newest team.
Q: I really dug seeing a new Global Guardians in this week's Green Lantern. Will we be seeing more of them, hopefully in a more regular/permanent manner?
DD: We are making every effort to diversify the reach of the DC Universe and the Global Guardians will play a big part in it.
Q: No need to reveal details of the pitch but...what so far has been your favourite OYL pitch?
DD: No real favorite but I always like to point to Aquaman’s One Year Later as the one that saved the book from cancellation.
Q: OYL, is there still a Fortress of Solitude?
DD: Yep, still a Fortress of Solitude.
Q: The "new" Ray in Freedom Fighters... Ray Terrill or no?
DD: Nope.
Q: Any hints on what James Robinson will be working on for DC after his Batman/Detective Comics story-arc?
DD: Sure, his story takes place in a particular year in the DC Universe.
Q: Why is Robin safe with meeting Commissioner Gordon in Batman/Detective Comics, but is on the run from the GCPD in his own title? Is there a time discrepancy between the two, and if so, how much?
DD: There goes that “not an exact month by month timeline” thing again.
Q: Any plans for Captain Comet OYL?
DD: Not only are there plans for Captain Comet OYL, but he also plays an important role in 52.
Q: Will Cassandra Sandsmark be pregnant at any point during 52?
DD: Nope, she and Conner were more careful than that.
Q: When will we see a new Metal Men series (ongoing or limited series)?
DD: No plans for a Metal Men series yet, but they will be keep plenty busy in 52 and an upcoming arc in SUPERMAN/ BATMAN.
Q: Will there be a Batwoman book?
DD: Who is this Batwoman everyone keeps asking about?
Q: Will the Question's depiction in 52 honor the continuity from the Dennis O'Neil/Denys Cowan ongoing series? What about the recent miniseries?
DD: The Question, as he appears in 52, captures the style and tone of that classic O’Neil and Cowan run.
Q: Will we see Catwoman in 52?
DD: You will see nearly every character in the DC Universe in 52. Catwoman included.
Q: Where will we be able to follow the missing year of the Big 3, since they're not featured in 52?
DD: Where else, but 52, of course.
Q: Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog. Could there be plans?
DD: Check out the OYL TEEN TITANS for two of the three you mentioned.
Q: Are there are more plans for Marv Wolfman OYL?
DD: He’s working on a new mini series as we speak.
Q: With Blue Beetle a Hispanic and the new Atom Asian, is there a conscious effort for more racially diverse characters OYL?
DD: Absolutely, and the global reach of the DC Universe will be felt fully as new heroes are revealed in the pages of, you guessed it, 52.
Q: After 52 is over, how long is our break going to be before the next event/crossover? Are we talking, months, years, decades? Can you commit to a certain "Mega-Wallet-Draining-Event-Free-Period"?
DD: Following Crisis, we are allowing each series to stand on there own while we wait and see what characters and concepts are embraced by the fans. But don’t look at this as “taking a break”, quite the opposite, we are making sure that every series has the energy, excitement, creators and stories that will make you keep coming back month after month. Mega wallet draining is what making good comics is all about.
Q: Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Sgt. Bilko, Alan Ladd, and Dobie Gillis have been missing from the DC Universe for years! Will they show up in INFINITE CRISIS #7 or 52? Seriously though, is there any chance of their stories being collected in a SHOWCASE PRESENTS trade?
DD: Unfortunately, due to rights issues, there is no chance of seeing them anytime soon.
Q: Once Crisis Counseling is over here at Newsarama -- would you consider continuing this monthly get together with DC fans?
DD: Well, we got one more Crisis Counseling to go, so thanks for the offer. For the time being I will be using the conventions and the DC Nation page as way to reach out to the fans, but if the Newsarama guys feel that from time to time there is a topic worth discussing in this forum I would more than happy to participate.
Holy fuck, what a mess. Another reminder to not buy anything from DC from now on.
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Living the dream 15000+ posts
Living the dream 15000+ posts
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If you do anything with Superman, do something with the Kents. Since the Godfall revamp what have they really done? Except motivate Conner to be more like Clark, we all saw where that got 'em. So yeah, make them interesting, kill one of them off, just do something with them. I liked how Lex Luthor was stripped of his business tycoon status, I also liked how he knew Clark's ID (which he was mindwiped of).
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Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
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