Interview about new features

Its no secret that the Hitman games were already awesome, but this takes it to a new level.

Heres my favourite quote from the interview


Rasmus said:
For example, I had a situation the other day when I was playing the casino level. By accident, I pushed a civilian and ran, and then I was given a warning by a guard, because I wasn't supposed to do that. And then I just sort of wanted to provoke him. So I shot the civilian and then the guard started running at me, so I ran away, took out a second guard, stole his clothes, put him in a dumpster, hid in a closet, and saw the first guard come in and look around. Then he left, and I left the closet and sort of walked back into the crowd and met the first guard in the hallway, and he just sort of eyes me as I walked by. That kind of thing was not possible do to in any previous Hitman title. So you have all these things that make you sit back and smile, because it feels really cool, and it feels like you're actually there and you're really cheating these people. So yeah, it's excellent.

The new Notoriety system and use of money sound excellent, shaping the game around you depending on if you play stealthily or as a one-man killing machine.

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim