Acme Labs

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky... try to take over the world!"

Lightning ominously strikes outside the window of the laboratory where the two labrats share a cage. The tall, thin one gazes claps his hands with glee.

"Great effects, Brain! Narf!"

"I had nothing to do with that, Pinky," Brain said, shaking his head. Reaching up, he pulled down a diagram with a thundercloud and bolt of lightning drawn and labelled excessively. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: lightning is an electrostatic discharge coupled with an emission of visible light, along with other forms of electromagnetic radiation."

"Kinda like TV, right? Poit!" Pinky bounced about the cage as Brain paced back and forth in the cage.

"Hardly," he muttered. Then, suddenly, he immediately stopped pacing. "...are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?"

Pinky stopped at once, a very stoic looking etching across his face. "I think so, Brain... but that depends largely on Tom Cruise coming out of the closet and moving to Massachussets, doesn't it?"

Brain merely looked at Pinky, blinking wildly. "I... but... what?"

"Well, you'd hardly be able to marry him otherwise, Brain," the tall mouse said, now running on a hamster wheel.

"But... you... I... nevermind, Pinky," Brain said, dismissing him. "Suffice it to say, that is not what I was pondering!"

"If you say so! Troz!"

"No, Pinky... I was merely pondering what would happen if I were able to harness the electrostatic power of lightning," Brain said, wringing his hands. "If so, I could construct a Van de Graff generator powerful enough to shock the world into submission!"

"Submission?" Pinky said. "Geez, Brain, you don't let up, do you?"

"Silence, Pinky," Brain said, holding up a hand. "Quickly, we must begin our plans for conquest!"

Quahog, Rhode Island

Beady little eyes darted about as their owner surveyed the dark, stormy night. Turning to his teddy bear, he said in a loud, unmistakably British voice: "The night is upon us, Rupert! The night when I shed this middle-to-lower class suburban family and begin my rise to power!"

The teddy's vacant stare answered him.

"What?" he responded, incredulity dripping from his voice. "You don't think I can do it?"

The bear still remains silent.

"Ha! Rupert, you are indeed a fool if you thought I hadn't forseen every obstacle!"

Still nothing.

"Well... no, actually, now that you mention it, I hadn't really considered that..."

Rushing over to the machine, the child known as Stewie Griffin rushed over to his machine - constructed out of a Mr. Spell, several wires, a gyroscope, and a hefty sum of plutonium (a Christmas present from Santa). After making a few adjustments and doing a bit of tuning, Stewie turns, holding his hands triumphantly alongside his enormous head.

"At last!" he cries. "Victory shall be mine! By harnessing the power of this storm, I shall finally set myself up as the ruler I was surely meant to be!

"But, first..." he says, walking downstairs, "I shall need to be changed. After which, I'll need to kill Lois. And then, the world. Priorities, Rupert... priorities!"

Pinky & The Brain versus Stewie Griffin
Which diminutive despot is destined to dominate?
single choice
Stewie Griffin (39%, 7 Votes)
Pinky & the Brain (61%, 11 Votes)
Total Votes: 18
Voting on this poll ends: 2006-05-07 3:00 AM