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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
- House of M is the typical "alternate reality" "OH YES KIDS IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! oh wait now it's not" crossover.
Idea was shit, a clear rip-off of the Age of Apocalypse.
They promised consequences, but they're flawed: Spidey's angst seems to be playing anywhere but in his own titles,
The whole idea was shit. Execution of it was shit aswell.
because they were already involved in another (convulted and lame) crossover;
Wolvie remembering his origin is a good idea, but let's see how they use it;
Shit from what I've read at BrokenFrontier. No definitive answers and more pointless searching for them
"Deadly Genesis" is a poorly written "Identity Crisis" rip off,
Yeah, that was rather blatent. IDC was much bigger in scope, but DG has a decent idea for Brubaker to run with. That being a mad 3rd Summers brother who's uber-powerful. Better than creepy ol' pervert guy who still can't get his due.
"Son of M" is actually pretty good;
This is a pointless sentence because I know nothing of this series.
the "No More Mutans" shit is practically useless because 99% of the important mutants "just happened" to be unaffected by it.
Guess what that was?!
and rather convenient
still, Xavier and Magneto are de-powered, so they atleast made an attempt to try and fool us into believing something happened
- Annhilation is supposed to explore and revitilize Marvel's cosmic side, because it's been neglected for years. That was exactly what The Rann-Thannagar War was for.
Rann/Thanagar Was was a pointless copy of Kree/Skrull War, not much like the concept of re-invigorating the cosmic characters like Marvel are trying. if DC were trying that aswell, they failed.
the whole OMAC thing is a copy of the Sentinels aswell, specifically those Sentinels with a gooey human inside who were unsuspecting. Not sure if they were actually in the comics, but they had a big part in the X-men: Legends game
- Civil War: I wonder what period they're trying to appeal to with the name War. Maybe something close to a Crisis? Hero vs. Hero? Oh my Gob, we've never seen that in the Marvel Universe. There's a spin on it this time, though: It involves a superhero registration act. What an Incredible idea, to make the Watchmen register!
JSA fans scream that its a blatent copy of when the Justice Society were forced to register or give up. Same premise, just done on a bigger scope and done in much more detail. just like IC was about a standard nut-job who threatened everything with his craziness and forced the heroes to step in. thats been done to death aswell, its just not as niche as a superhuman registration
Of course, this will end with Iron Man saying "What have I done?? What have I caused??" and Cap replying "You did what you thought was right. Let us fuck."
An interesting theory, and one that plagues me with horrible mental images of the 2 kissing.
Maybe some of these books are more understandable on their own without reading the tie-ins, but they cause the opposite problem: they make the characters' own continuity convulted, because they're supposed to be affected by all these crossovers at once, and sometimes by their own internal crossovers at the same time.
Yeah Marvel suck at this. They're obviously trying too hard to keep their market share over DC, but with DC's horrible timing of OYL before IC's end and 52 and all the other extensive shit, Marvel are still winning, even though DC should be pissing on them from a greater height
Atleast Marvel are trying to deliver these 'consequences' and reprucussions in their crossovers, while DC are choosing what seems to be another continuity reboot to fix their problems the easy way, not to mention absolutely nothing consequential will come from the end of IC besides some pointless deaths and a Trinity year-off that means nothing except in one series
"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here.
Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!"
"So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children."
"Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!"
--Invader Zim