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Flameswordsman said: DC will never have the cojones to change Batman or Superman, and anything they've ever attempted to the contrary has quickly been forgotten or erased, like No Mans Land or Superman Blue. Both just memories with no long lasting effects and nary a mention
You have a right to your opinion, whether I disagree or not. And, I understand you're just playing Devil's Advocate here. But, as for the above paragraph? Four words:
Crisis. On. Infinite. Earths.
Marvel has never, ever come anywhere near as close to something of that magnitude, or repercussion-wise. You can argue that alot of IC will be undoing that, or, previous/past editorial regimes have undermined the grand progression that the original Crisis caused. But, in the end, you're left with the fact that DC wiped out fifty years of continuity, and the after-effects and repercussions were felt for twenty-years. Marvel has never done a thing that approaches the original Crisis. And, until they have the balls to do so, I have to continue to accept that DC is the leader in progression...John's hack-writing on IC, or not...