
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Flameswordsman said:
To play devils advocate: just how long did Batmans gripe with Hal Jordon last?! Atleast Cap and Iron Man will have a difference in beliefs, while Hal flat-out fucked Batman over by being in on his mind-wipe. Then he slugs batman in the face, and we're still meant to believe Batman forgave all and they are friends again?! This bag of shit can't be blamed on a big yellow cockroach

The Bat-Man has been angry at Jordan since the 90's, for the whole Parallax thing. He stayed angry when Hal saved the world in Final Night because that didn't erase his crime, he stayed angry when Hal was "redeemed" and brought back as Spectre, and he stayed angry when it was revealed that Hal was infected by a space tick for letting that happen to himself. Let's see, Hal wenk bonkers in 93 or so... that's about 13 years. Do you think Cap and Iron Man's grudge will last half as long as that?

I wasn't actually referring to how long it will last, but the senseless conclusion to their spat. You said Cap and Stark will kiss and make up at the end, and I referred to Hal and Bruce doing the same despite the contradiction it was to batmans character. Both pieces of shit, should Civil War actually end with a make-out session between the two

The Hal/Bruce thing was actually resolved before recently when he was the Spectre, aswell. A 2 part JLA mini-series where they went into the Jokers head and Bruce forgave him. DC later decided to ignore this completely


It was cheap and shameless shock-value, just like Firestorm and Superboy's deaths. Mark Millar is reportedly reviving a new Alpha Flight under his pen, so Bendis thought he'd milk the current roster for everything they are worth


The Firestorm analogy is correct, since he was only killed because the new book was coming, but Superboy? Are you comparing Superboy's importance in the DCU to Alpha Flight's in the Marvel U? Say what you will about the way it was written, it was still a daring move on DC's part because it's a popular character with a name of worldwide recognition. Who the fuck are Alpha Flight?

Wasn't comparing Superboy and Alpha Flight. Conner is the obvious winner there, especially since Johns has been whoring him out with all his new Superman powers instead of the TK thing he always had [make of that what you will]

His death was a quick-fix for DC what with the law-suit they are going through concerning Superboy and his likeness in the Smallville show. They thought they'd kill him to fix all problems, then bring him back almost immediately OYL. If they were going to kill him they should have atleast made it stick for a while to give us the illusion that they didn't do it all for the law-suit

All of them are seneless deaths for cheap shock-value


And they didn't kill him because of the lawsuit, either: the lawsuit's outcome was just decided, and this had to be written at least a couple of months ago (if you believe the "re-writes" rumour), not to mention that everything in Teen Titans was leading to Superboy's death (subtlety isn't Johns' strong point). Plus, DC is still using Superboy as the main character in the Legion of Superheroes cartoon.

Please elaborate on the obvious clues Johns was using, I only collect it in Trade-format, so last one I picked up was that God-awful Superboy/Brainiac 8 crossover

While I'd have to believe theres some truth in you're words about his death being written a couple of months back, it's still to coincedental. Maybe DC just planned to kill him anyway regardless of the outcome of the law-suit so they could revive him and stake total claim on the new version, that way theres no more interference from the Siegel or Shuster kid who was sueing

He's not that big of a character either. Still bigger than Alpha Flight, but I'd hardly call it a daring move on DC's part to off him, especially since his comeback is so fast [a couple of weeks after his death to be exact because of DC's horrible IC/OYL schelduling]


he should have known it wasn't going to stick, that's why it was ill-concieved


Now you're blaming Morrison because Marvel sucks. I haven't read his New X-Men yet (or played the videogame), but this is like blaming Alan Moore because the LXG movie sucks. "Oh, he should have known a movie adaptation of this would suck when he was writing the comic!". Not everyone keeps a mediocre mindset, you know.

I dont keep a 'mediocre mindset', it was simply foolish to believe Marvel would stick to killing off one of their most popular villains.
Like if DC killed off the Joker or Lex Luthor. Admittedly they are more recognisable than Magneto, but you still don't kill of a well-known villain. Even if the Movies weren't being released you know it would never have stuck, he's simply too much of a money maker and fan-favourite

Dont get me wrong here, I rank Morrison in an elite class of writing alongside Alan moore. Both have never put a foot wrong in their writing careers from my POV. but still, killing off Mags was never going to stick

Also, it does sound a little preposterous, but maybe Morrie had the intention of not making it Magneto and Marvel just never followed up on the whole 'Xorn' angle. The healing powers were a little out of character, as was the drug-addiction, and Morrison doesn't usually write questionable characterisation like that

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