
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Flameswordsman said:
I wasn't actually referring to how long it will last, but the senseless conclusion to their spat. You said Cap and Stark will kiss and make up at the end, and I referred to Hal and Bruce doing the same despite the contradiction it was to batmans character. Both pieces of shit, should Civil War actually end with a make-out session between the two

You're contradicting yourself with this:

Nice to know. Still got my point across though


The Hal/Bruce thing was actually resolved before recently when he was the Spectre, aswell. A 2 part JLA mini-series where they went into the Jokers head and Bruce forgave him. DC later decided to ignore this completely


When Hal was Spectre, nobody remembered meeting him after he left. So, if Bats forgave him, he wouldn't have remembered the actions that led to that afterwards...



But his animosity towards Hal could have been diminished at least subcounsciously. Then we have a couple of other crossovers, like Rebirth and a recent issue of GL, where Bats makes progressively starts getting along with Hal, and finally in IC #6 they're able to shake hands. This is called progression. You could say this was a coincidence, if three of the four meetings I just referenced weren't written by the same guy.

That is not called "progression", its called "forced", especially how DC has been portraying Batman as even more paranoid over the last few years

Rebirth may have retconned away anything bad that Hal did, but he still punched Batman to the ground. If anything, that worked against their relationship, not for it

You may be able to buy it, but I can't, nor ever will be able to accept that he just forgives the guy who participated in his mind-wipe, especially considering how DC have been playing up his paranoia with Brother Eye, and how he was monumentally pissed about the mind-wipe


His death was a quick-fix for DC what with the law-suit they are going through concerning Superboy and his likeness in the Smallville show. They thought they'd kill him to fix all problems, then bring him back almost immediately OYL. If they were going to kill him they should have atleast made it stick for a while to give us the illusion that they didn't do it all for the law-suit.


1. As I said, it's improbable that this has anything to do with the lawsuit, that's jsut geeks thinking they can spot conspiracy theories.

Also a monumental coinsedence seen as the Superboy rights were being contested and now all DC has to do is revive him under a new name and they have full reign over his comics interpretation


Comic Book Resources said:

Finally, as readers of today’s "Infinite Crisis" #6 can attest, DC has suddenly found itself short a character named Superboy. I'm certainly not suggesting that this necessarily has anything to do with the copyright infringement case, but please note that if Conner Kent were to return later, sans any Superboy connection (as in, a brand new name), then DC will have successfully avoided the copyright issue with Superboy. In addition, here’s an even trickier situation – DC currently still owns a trademark on Superboy, so no one can publish a comic using the name Superboy, even if they owned the copyright to the character! Therefore, DC can simply rename Conner Kent something else until the Siegel’s copyright runs out, at which point, they can return Conner (or whatever other character is introduced between now and 2023) to the name Superboy. In addition, as Time Warner has been quite willing to settle the case (in fact, one of their claims in the past involves their insistence that the Siegels already did settle, but decided to break the settlement agreement and therefore, the Siegels should be bound by the terms of the original settlement), this certainly does not hurt Time Warner’s negotiation position. In any event, it will be interesting to see what path this case takes in the future, as it could have a real impact on the comics we read and the TV shows that we watch.


2. Huh? WHat gives the impression Conner is coming back? I recall DiDio saying he wasn't in a recent Newsarama interview. Not to mention that he talked about how important this death was in his DC Nation column, comparing it to Supergirl's in the original Crisis.

The 1st Teen Titans issue OYL has Robin already trying to re-clone Superboy. While im sure it won't happen immediately, he WILL be back in the next couple of years.


Please elaborate on the obvious clues Johns was using, I only collect it in Trade-format, so last one I picked up was that God-awful Superboy/Brainiac 8 crossover


It all started there, actually. First Superboy retires because he's afraid of hurting his friends again. Then in time he makes the heroic decision of coming back to action. There's a whole issue of Teen Titans spotlighting him and Nightwing (the other character besides Wally DC was trying to make us think would die), where they talk about their fears and emotions, and the whole thing reeks of comic book death. Then, there's the Teen Titans annual centered in him and Wonder Girl, where they get emotional and reflect on their past as Young Justice, and finally consumate their relationship.

Yeah, 'spose that would make sense, I never got 'round to reading the final issues in the trade because of the awful 4 parter about him going rogue

I still think it has a connection to the law-suit, it's just too convenient that DC would kill him off just when his rights are being questioned. I'm already bored with digging up information about the law-suit for this post, so I can't be bothered to see when the law-suit originally started. My basis there would be that DC knew the Seigel's would be contesting the rights [the Seigel's have known since 2004 that they could get them back] and were already prepping him for death to make it seem COIE inspired


While I'd have to believe theres some truth in you're words about his death being written a couple of months back, it's still to coincedental. Maybe DC just planned to kill him anyway regardless of the outcome of the law-suit so they could revive him and stake total claim on the new version, that way theres no more interference from the Siegel or Shuster kid who was sueing


Then they wouldn't have started the cartoon.

When was the LOSH cartoon started? There's already fierce speculation that the cartoon is on hold while the law-suit and the rights are finilised. Depends how far along they are and if they believed the new cartoon would be challenged [from what little I know of it, it just started as a spat over Smallville]


He's not that big of a character either. Still bigger than Alpha Flight, but I'd hardly call it a daring move on DC's part to off him, especially since his comeback is so fast [a couple of weeks after his death to be exact because of DC's horrible IC/OYL schelduling]


What am I missing here? I've been reading the Superman titles and Teen Titans and he hasn't come back. Are you taking geek speculation for granted again?
Also, maybe Conner Kent isn't that big of a character, but Superboy definitely is. The reasoning behind the decision to kill him wasn't to avoid a lawsuit, it was to appeal to the original Crisis once again by killing a member of the Superman family.


He hasn't come back yet, but DC are obviously pushing the idea of his re-cloning. I highly doubt it's all a charade, the character has already become a corner stone of Johns' TT, and we both know what he's like as far as perverting characterisation and comic-book death to get what he wants [example: Kal-L's evilness or stupidness in IC to suit his story]

The basis of you're whole arguement is going on what was said at the DC Column. Did you really expect Didio to admit that they were killing him off to avoid the law-suit?! You're going on what you believe is true, and me what I believe. Theres no point argueing this as we are both going on unreputable sources. You: Didio. Me: The convenience of it all


I dont keep a 'mediocre mindset', it was simply foolish to believe Marvel would stick to killing off one of their most popular villains.
Like if DC killed off the Joker or Lex Luthor. Admittedly they are more recognisable than Magneto, but you still don't kill of a well-known villain. Even if the Movies weren't being released you know it would never have stuck, he's simply too much of a money maker and fan-favourite

Dont get me wrong here, I rank Morrison in an elite class of writing alongside Alan moore. Both have never put a foot wrong in their writing careers from my POV. but still, killing off Mags was never going to stick


Again, you're blaming Morrison for something that happened outside his run, something he had nothing to do. Morrie was once asked how he felt about all his changes to the X-franchise being reversed, and he said he didn't care because his run was still there, untouched. By that logic, he wouldn't give a fuck if Magneto was brought back as long as they don't forced HIM to do it.

How am I blaming Morrison for something that accured outside his run?! im not debating the Mutant de-population here, I've already established that that was a crock of shit. Im debating the folly of Morrison killing off Magneto and thinking it would stick


Also, it does sound a little preposterous, but maybe Morrie had the intention of not making it Magneto and Marvel just never followed up on the whole 'Xorn' angle. The healing powers were a little out of character, as was the drug-addiction, and Morrison doesn't usually write questionable characterisation like that


I don't know the context for the drug addiction, but didn't Morrie supply an explanation for the healing powers, based on Magneto's abilities? He also expanded Animalman's powers to levels no one had imagined in the 80's, just as Moore did with Swamp Thing, and no one can say those are out of character.

I still refuse to believe that Magneto can use magnetism to amp his strength up to Colossus level, or use the magnetic spectrum to become invisible, or open up dimensional worm-holes for instantaneous transportation. Fuck the explanation behind him also developing healing powers, Marvel have already gone out of control with Magneto and his assorted abilities

He's also not the type to become an addict. I can't say I care how Morrie justified it, its just not in Magneto's character to me, just like Luthor becoming a Kryptonite junkie isn't either

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