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Flameswordsman said:
thedoctor said:
Flameswordsman said:
thedoctor said:
Flameswordsman said:
But his animosity towards Hal could have been diminished at least subcounsciously. Then we have a couple of other crossovers, like Rebirth and a recent issue of GL, where Bats makes progressively starts getting along with Hal, and finally in IC #6 they're able to shake hands. This is called progression. You could say this was a coincidence, if three of the four meetings I just referenced weren't written by the same guy.
That is not called "progression", its called "forced", especially how DC has been portraying Batman as even more paranoid over the last few years
Rebirth may have retconned away anything bad that Hal did, but he still punched Batman to the ground. If anything, that worked against their relationship, not for it
You may be able to buy it, but I can't, nor ever will be able to accept that he just forgives the guy who participated in his mind-wipe, especially considering how DC have been playing up his paranoia with Brother Eye, and how he was monumentally pissed about the mind-wipe
Are you talking about the Brother Eye that Batman built and uploaded all of his data on metahumans into? The same one that he lost control over? The very same Brother Eye responsible for the deaths of several innocent superhumans? That Brother Eye?
Sometimes the most important reading is reading between the lines.

Don't blame me. I wasn't spoon fed such a concept through reviews or playing a video game.
 Funny how I was still right about that whole Punisher and his War, though. I even went back to that thread after reading the Punisher books to explain how he was fighting the war and yet still accomplished nothing
no, you weren't. apparently you still have problems with reading and with comprehending what you're reading.