
Joe Mama said:
Actually, you forgot the House of M-related TPBs (House Of M: Wolverine, House Of M: Spider-Man, etc) AND the upcoming TPBs of X-Men: The 198, Son Of M, Generation M...

Your bias is showing. You include close to everything DC puts out, but conveniently leave out Marvel's offering. Your excuse - "I didn't have to read everything" - is both a double-standard and fallacious. Both companies said "you don't have to read everything we put out", but Marvel didn't have anything similar to the "Crisis Counselling" portion of the DC website. DC at least attempted to make their crossover less daunting for casual fans.

Like I said, both companies are doing the same thing. You can't damn DC and bless Marvel. Unless you're incredibly biased.

Well you can really look at Marvel as doing a trilogy of stories. Not the same as one big one.
Also, they're minimalizing the number of titles. Its not every single title involved. so you can read a lot of titles without even dealing with the crossovers.

Look, i'm not saying Marvel isn't doing a big mega money grubbing crossover. Just that its cheaper and you can read marvel without touching the crossover at all.
So Marvel is the lesser evil in all this.
I'm glad you're happy with it, but i'm not and i'm saying i don't like it and i'm dropping several titles due to it. i grew up on dc, mainly read dc. but all this has made me more comfortable reading marvel. you may disagree, but i'm just saying where my money is being diverted.
and i bet i'm not the only one.

Bow ties are coool.