
Wednesday said:

rufusTfirefly said:

Also, I don't for a second believe that Foggy is dead. He just went into exile for a few months to get his Iron Man movie treatment ready...

Actually, I really don't. He was alive at the end of one issue, and then the next issue at the funeral they mention that he was stabilizing before getting in the ambulance but he suddenly died while in on the way to the hospital, but of course nobody was in the ambulance to actually see anything. I'm sure he was snagged by either Nick Fury and/or SHIELD for his own protection.

Finally, the voice of reason.

I agree. Brubaker doesn't strike me as the kind of writer to kill off Daredevil's one and only supporting character. It could be argued that he's taking him in a new direction, but that could just as easily be done with Foggy missing instead of dead, then you get 2 supporting casts for the price of one when he returns

New Daredevil could be Iron Fist, though I doubt it is...

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim