There were also the following threads(in order from least to most recent):

Ain't it Cool News reviews the Watchmen script
Watchmen movie news from Wil Wheaton
Aronosky to direct Watchmen
Aronofsky ankles Watchmen
CHUD Interview with Watchmen director, Paul Greengrass
Watchmen gets a curveball

My contributions to those threads:


Animalman said:
I pray this project collapses, because there are some things that shouldn't be bastardized by Hollywood.


Animalman said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It can't be done.


Animalman said:
Aronofsky represented the one, tiny, almost minute bit of hope I had for this being successful. I didn't want this to happen before, and I certainly don't want this to happen now.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.