Wednesday said:
thedoctor said:
Devon Miles: The man who had joined his best friend and mentor's crusade is now in charge of keeping the dream alive. Bill Duke has that presence that I'd want for an updated Devon. He's been cast in roles the past few years that allow him to be presented as both intimidating and dignified. That's how I think Devon should be. He's all smiles and handshakes; but when you try to pressure him, he's not going to take your shit. He's in control. He has his finger on the pulse of F.L.A.G. and Knight Industries. He's the king who puts his knight into play.
My first instinct was to go for someone like Michael Caine, but your choice makes a lot of sense.
I actually loathe changing the race or sex of a character in translation, but I would go with this.
I thought of Michael Caine first too, which is why I didn't choose him. He's the obvious choice and used way too often in this role. Bill Duke is the fucking man. He kicks ass. I generally don't care about the race of a character as long as the actor is good for the part or the character's race is an important part of his/her identity. It's like when they made Morgan Freeman Red in Shawshank. The character was originally Irish, but Freeman was perfect for the part.
Prometheus said: Norton and Welling as Garthe and KARR is fucking inspired! 
I just remembered the cheesey doppleganger episodes for both Michael and K.I.T.T. that were laughable. Apparently, even Hasselhoff hated the Garthe bit and refused to do it after the second time they used him. I just thought it'd be fun to play on those concepts and have something that is the opposite of the main characters. I'd see Garthe as more of a suit and tie, vintage wine sipping counter to Michael's cowboy and K.A.R.R. being the sleek European design compared to the K.I.T.T. American muscle car look.
Prometheus said: I picked Browder because, after having seen SG1, and currently introducing myself to Farscape, he plays the 'common man cowboy' so very, very well. He can go serious, or funny, in the span of seconds. And let's face it....Michael Knight is a character that shouldn't take himself too seriously. He's got talking car, for fucks sake.
Good choice, and I'm pissed you took it before me.
Prometheus said: "Devon". That's such a cool name.
Sounds kinda wimpy to me. 
Prometheus said: As for the car, I know little to nothing about car types, and their specs. I just chose the McLaren cause it's pretty, and, because I know it'll haul ass...
I still reserve the McLauren for the Batmobile. 
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."