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anyone seen the Some Kind of Monster documentary they are running on VH1? Lars is such a whiney bitch, that it is fun to watch.
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Yeah. After I watched Some Kind of Monster I lost all respect for Lars and James.
It really was a clusterfuck. St. Anger sucked too.
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really it gave more insight to the pussyfication of Metallica. Some of James beef with his addiction troubles I think was legitimate, but Lars is squarely focused on how to make the most $ from Metallica, which is fine if that's your goal, but then he shouldnt get upset when people dont consider the band edgy, they are the just a hard sounding pop band...
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Yeah. I actully cannot believe they didn't toss all thier film in the trash.
It really was not at all an image I would have liked getting out to my fans.
Especially when your band has so much trouble they need to keep thier therapist with them 24/7.
Also that guy really seemed like he thought he was part of the band.
Also Lars really shouldnt be worried about money. He could always make some more art and sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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Therapist by nature try and make people think they need them to survive, I thik he made his power move too soon and the band caught on....
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It was also funny to see James Hetfield's litte hot rod.
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I started losing respect for Metallica bit by bit since the release of "Load", to the point that I havent even bought "S&M" and that god awful piece of shite "St. Anger" (I have heard enough of it to know its not an album I wanna hear all of it).
Lars really came to the fore as a whiney bitch around the time he started his campaign against Napster (this from a band that used to let people bring recorders to their shows so bootleggers couldnt make money off the fans).
For some, the black album was the begining of their downfall (not financially or sucess wise, but as a credibly band) but I personally say "Load" was where it all started to really go wrong!
I think that if he wasnt dead, Cliff Burton would have chopped his own head off by now!
Lars & James have turned into Paul & Gene, but at least Kiss still produce music that appeals to Kiss fans!
Fuck Metallica, fuck them in their stoopid asses! Metallica are fucking clown shoes!
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I remember watching something on Metallica around the time of "Load". Basically Metallica had always took the piss out of bands that wore make-up, yet when they released "Load", they started wearing make-up, and the minute the fans saw the pictures of the band in make-up, the concert tickets, which were selling well, suddenly started selling worse than Hulk Hogan!
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I saw a noticible change with And Justice For All, and stuck around for the Black album but i could see the writing on the wall, and really gave up on them. I still listen to Kill Em All and Ride the Lightning regularly but really I cant stand the band.....
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..and justice for all was probably their first real exposure to the mainstream! The first thing noticeable about that album was the fact they released a music video for the song "One", which was something they said they would never do!
The black album was obviously their attempt at cracking the mainstream full on, and it worked, but after that they just started believing their own hype, offering up turgid shit that was barely appealing to the new fans, let alone the old school fans!
Ride the lightning was a great piece of work, as was Master of puppets, but Justice only had about one decent song, and it was a friggin double album! I like the black album but beyond that, they have only had a handful of half decent songs (and a bunch of them were covers).
Cant say they were ever a favourite band of mine (gimme Megadeth any day of the week), but it was still sad seeing them become the band they are today!
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I feel about the same way. When "Justice" came out I liked it for a bit but it wore on me. Now I can't listen to it.
I hated the black album when it came out. However nowadays when I hear the songs again I like them more now then.
Load and on were just garbage to me. It almost broke my heart. I am really not a fan of music. I like certain songs.
However there were very few bands I enjoyed as bands for thier works.
Until "Justice" Metallica was one of them.
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Master of Puppets is a sweet album, prolly the perfect spped metal album, its been years since ive listened to the whole thing. i have been told that the gay producer that was with them was hired on for the black album by lars to make them more radio friendly, whick could explain all te gayness that followed....
megadeth i think is where metallica should have been, metallica may sell millions more but megadeth is the better band in my opinion, if you had their tunes with james singing youd prolly have more sales with better music!
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What could have been if Dave Mustaine remained a member of Metallica.
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Well Bob Rock who produced the black album, was more well known for producing bands like Bon Jovi, so it was obviously Lars' intention to make Metallica radio friendly, no matter what bullshit he has spouted over the years.
Megadeth, as you say, is a far superior band, but they never sold out! Ok, they refined their sound as well, but unlike Metallica, Megadeth were already alot more melodic in their style, so it wasnt a big stretch for them when they did make a slight detour into radio land!
Through all his shit, and the odd weaker album, Dave Mustaine has always stayed true to his vision of Megadeth.
I will buy every studio album Megadeth releases, almost as soon as it comes out, but the only way I will buy new Metallica albums (just to complete the set) is if I can find them cheaper than a Snickers bar!
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I usually try to be diplomatic, but you guys are outta your fucking skulls!!!
I have been a die-hard Metallica fan since I saw the "One" video at age ten; its the song that got me into metal in the first place. Now, I will grant that "St. Anger" leaves something to be desired, but I still think it has some great tracks on it ("St. Anger," "Frantic," and "Some Kind of Monster"). I hope that on their next album they will go back to basics instead of trying to by "heavy" or "trendy."
I will also grant that watching "Some Kind of Monster" is painful, but naturally dealing with the bullshit and self-destructive behavior that has built up over twenty years is going to look like a train wreck.
However, I think it is asinine to suggest that they have "sold out" every time they take the band in a new direction. People have been saying that about the band since their first power ballad appeared on "Ride the Lightening," i.e. "Fade to Black."
I still remember back in '96 when "Load" was released and people were talking shit about their haircuts. Honestely, I was concerned, but the songs grew on me and I can now say that several of my favortie Metallica songs come from this album (e.g. "Bleeding Me," "The Outlaw Torn," "Mamma Said," in fact the more I think about it, I don't think there is a single track on the album that I don't like).
But, any apprehension that I may have had about the band's "heaviness" was annihilated when Kaz, Fused, and I went to seem them perform at Lollapalloza that summer. We were ten feet away from the stage, losing are minds in the mosh pit, and I can vividly remember how the crowd went insane when Jason Newstead started the bass line to "King Nothing." It was the greatest concert experience of my life and one of the best experience of my life.
So I am sorry if I take it personal when people start hating on my favorite band, but after years of hearing the same bullshit some times a get a little pissed off. Either you like their music or you don't, and that's fine with me.
But, give the guys a break! Addiction and abuse take their toll and you have to give the band room to evolve. They are in their forties now, some of them have kids; trying to be the loudest, or fastest, or whatever would be cliche. I mean look at other bands that are still doing the same thing they were doing twenty years ago (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC etc). I respect the hell out of those bands, but the same old shit gets boring.
I know I am going to get flamed for this post, but I won't apologize for being a loyal fan of THE GREATEST METAL BAND EVER! If the guys in Metallica want to release an album where they fart into a microphone for 45 minutes they've earned it. I'm out!
I am a man with needs. Rack JLA!!!
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I didn't say they sold out. I said they suck now. I like money. I have nothing against them liking money. Money is awesome.
I just prefer thier pre-Load days, minus "Justice".
I'm not trying to take away your enjoyment of the band.
But don't get angry with us for voicing our opinions.
Keep that shit in the Deep Throut forum.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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Lars is a fuckhole. Metallica lost their shit when Cliff Burton died.
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Randal_Flagg said: I usually try to be diplomatic, but you guys are outta your fucking skulls!!!
I have been a die-hard Metallica fan since I saw the "One" video at age ten; its the song that got me into metal in the first place. Now, I will grant that "St. Anger" leaves something to be desired, but I still think it has some great tracks on it ("St. Anger," "Frantic," and "Some Kind of Monster"). I hope that on their next album they will go back to basics instead of trying to by "heavy" or "trendy."
I will also grant that watching "Some Kind of Monster" is painful, but naturally dealing with the bullshit and self-destructive behavior that has built up over twenty years is going to look like a train wreck.
However, I think it is asinine to suggest that they have "sold out" every time they take the band in a new direction. People have been saying that about the band since their first power ballad appeared on "Ride the Lightening," i.e. "Fade to Black."
I still remember back in '96 when "Load" was released and people were talking shit about their haircuts. Honestely, I was concerned, but the songs grew on me and I can now say that several of my favortie Metallica songs come from this album (e.g. "Bleeding Me," "The Outlaw Torn," "Mamma Said," in fact the more I think about it, I don't think there is a single track on the album that I don't like).
But, any apprehension that I may have had about the band's "heaviness" was annihilated when Kaz, Fused, and I went to seem them perform at Lollapalloza that summer. We were ten feet away from the stage, losing are minds in the mosh pit, and I can vividly remember how the crowd went insane when Jason Newstead started the bass line to "King Nothing." It was the greatest concert experience of my life and one of the best experience of my life.
So I am sorry if I take it personal when people start hating on my favorite band, but after years of hearing the same bullshit some times a get a little pissed off. Either you like their music or you don't, and that's fine with me.
But, give the guys a break! Addiction and abuse take their toll and you have to give the band room to evolve. They are in their forties now, some of them have kids; trying to be the loudest, or fastest, or whatever would be cliche. I mean look at other bands that are still doing the same thing they were doing twenty years ago (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC etc). I respect the hell out of those bands, but the same old shit gets boring.
I know I am going to get flamed for this post, but I won't apologize for being a loyal fan of THE GREATEST METAL BAND EVER! If the guys in Metallica want to release an album where they fart into a microphone for 45 minutes they've earned it. I'm out!
Its no surprise you defend them considering your first exposure to them was ..and Justice for all, their first foray into mainstream metal!
Dont get all pissy at us & say you are gonna get flamed when you have just flamed us!
For the record Metallica have sold out!
Trying new sounds is one thing, but hiring Bob Rock to produce their black album (which I do enjoy) was a blatant move away from the Bay area thrash scene to the worldwide charts! I aint slamming them for wanting to be a huge worldwide sucess making shit loadsa money, but I am slamming them for fucking lying about it!
As for your comments about old bands like Priest etc. Have you ever actually listened to Priest? If you can honestly tell me that Priest of 79 sounds like Priest of 2006, then you are a fucking tone deaf idiot! Black Sabbath also sounds nothing like they did in the 70s (and if you think that the Ozzy, Dio & Martin stuff sounds the same, then once again, open your fucking ears).
Maiden & AC/DC I will grant you, dont try to sound too different than they used to, but then again nobody wants them to, and thats why people still respect them & buy their records!
Your last comment about farting into a microphone is very telling of your mindset. You are a loyal fan yes, but you are too fucking loyal if you are willing to accept shit served up on a silver platter & actually still pay for it! Even I accept my favourite bands have put out some stinkers in their time, and I voice my opinion on this not fucking support half arsed attempts at doing something the fans dont wanna hear!
You wanna voice your support of this shit, then fine, just dont insult our intelligence by slamming us for voicing our lack of support!
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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I watched parts of this over the weekend (it was on either VH1 Classic or IFC. One question: Does Gene Simmons know that Lars is stealing pages from his playbook?
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Nowhereman said: I aint slamming them for wanting to be a huge worldwide sucess making shit loadsa money, but I am slamming them for fucking lying about it!
I think this is the biggest complaint I have about Metallica. It's not that they deliberately tried to keep a high spot on the record charts. It's that they lied about wanting the cash and tried to pass is off as art. Load and Re-load were nothing but Metallica trying to jump on the Alternative/Grunge bandwagon. Anyone who says any different is bullshitting themselves. They were clearly following a trend. My favorite defense against the "sold out" chants from the band is when they said, "Yeah, we sold out. We sell out every show." Um...... that's just proving your critics' point, fucknut. You did it to make money selling tickets and albums.
I think this is why I respect Gene Simmons over most performers in music. While Paul Stanley tries to portray the artist, Gene revels in the fact that he's a corporate whore. If there is something out there that he can put the KISS name and logo on to make money, he will; and he's proud to admit it. I read an interview where he talked about writing Duece. He said all he wanted to do was to make a song like the Rolling Stones' Bitch. Even he doesn't know what the line "You know your man is worth a Duece" means, but it just sounded cool. That's honesty. I can respect that more than I can Lars hiding behind some made up artistic license when the fans recognize an obvious move for more mainstream acceptance and the cashflow that comes with it.
And, yes, Megadeath kicks ass.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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The only time Kiss tried to move with the times was on the "Carnival of sins" album, and there was a good reason it remained unreleased for a few years! They tried to move with the times then realised it just wasnt what Kiss was about!
Yes, they finally released it, but in true Simmons style, he waited for exactly the right time. If it had been released when it was sposed to, it woulda sunk without trace. As it is he used the fact it was unreleased as a ploy to make it more desirable, and piggy backed it onto the upcoming "original line up" tours & album!
Honesty counts for a lot, even if you dont like the musical direction!
Metallica has an empty space in their dictionary where the word "honest" is in most dictionaries!
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As I said last night, I'm not going to apologize for being a loyal fan, but I am going to apologize for being a major asshole. I have had a rough and a six-pack too many beers in the fridge. So last night I handeled my anxiety in the most mature manner that I know: getting drunk and anonomously insulting strangers on the internet.  Now, that I am sober I would like to respond to a few things that Nowhereman said; I think he had some good points but I do disagree about a few. Quote:
Nowhereman said: Its no surprise you defend them considering your first exposure to them was ..and Justice for all, their first foray into mainstream metal!
While I agree that "...Justice" and "Metallilca" were transitional albums, I would't say that "...Justice" is mainstream. True, "One" was their first video, but even it was way too dark, way too long, and way too loud to be considered a mainstream radio friendly track. I think it is more fair to say that "... Justice" is the apex of the progressive metal evolution of the band that began during the Cliff Burton days. It maybe be bloated at moments, but I think that in many ways it is the culmination of the bands technical talents and arrangement abilities.
So while "One" is my favorite Metallica song and this album contains some of my favorite tracks ("Harvester" and "Blackened") I would say that "...Justice" (for me) is one of their lesser albums. Personally, I like "Kill Em All" the best on the whole.
Nowhereman said: Dont get all pissy at us & say you are gonna get flamed when you have just flamed us!
Nowhereman said: For the record Metallica have sold out!
Trying new sounds is one thing, but hiring Bob Rock to produce their black album (which I do enjoy) was a blatant move away from the Bay area thrash scene to the worldwide charts! I aint slamming them for wanting to be a huge worldwide sucess making shit loadsa money, but I am slamming them for fucking lying about it!
You make a good point about Bob Rock and I will agree that I think the guy is a tool. But, I think that ultimately he has helped to bring out some of the bands finest musical moments, so I respect him for that. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that they are lying about wanting to be a success. But, I will agree with you and the Doctor that there is something honest about a more Gene Simmions obvious corporate whore appraoch.
Nowhereman said: As for your comments about old bands like Priest etc. Have you ever actually listened to Priest? If you can honestly tell me that Priest of 79 sounds like Priest of 2006, then you are a fucking tone deaf idiot! Black Sabbath also sounds nothing like they did in the 70s (and if you think that the Ozzy, Dio & Martin stuff sounds the same, then once again, open your fucking ears).
Maiden & AC/DC I will grant you, dont try to sound too different than they used to, but then again nobody wants them to, and thats why people still respect them & buy their records!
Yeah, I was basically talking out of my ass here. I haven't listened to much of Priest's new stuff, but you are absolutely right about Ozzy. However, I did say that I still respect those guys for sticking with their original sound.
Nowhereman said: Your last comment about farting into a microphone is very telling of your mindset. You are a loyal fan yes, but you are too fucking loyal if you are willing to accept shit served up on a silver platter & actually still pay for it! Even I accept my favourite bands have put out some stinkers in their time, and I voice my opinion on this not fucking support half arsed attempts at doing something the fans dont wanna hear!
Guilty. I will admit that I suffer from something akin to "battered wife syndrome" with Metallica, but I stick by the fact that I think their music should be allowed to change as they grow and mature. You do have to call them as you see them.
You wanQuote:
Nowhereman said: na voice your support of this shit, then fine, just dont insult our intelligence by slamming us for voicing our lack of support!
Guilty and now that I have swallowed that shit sandwich of my own creation I hope I have re-established some of my credibility. You guys touched a nerve, but I clearly over-reacted. In the end, I think it's strange that people who probably have taste in music that is 95% similar can get into some of the biggest arguments. So I guess I am "some kind of whiner" myself! 
I am a man with needs. Rack JLA!!!
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Master of Puppets was my first Metallica album.To me,this is the best they've done.I,like others here,felt that the Black album,while good & still listenable,signaled the end of "classic" Metallica.But,to each their own.I have nothing against anyone who prefers "Load" & the ones after that.It all depends on what you first heard & liked.I even got a bootleg tape of "No Life'Til Leather" just to hear Dave Mustaine Metallica.
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metallica, was the first i heard, and i likd them for a long time. still do, but i have since drifted off more to other bands. mostly because load/relaod hacked me off, and lack of good new material in a long time. bleeding me was awesome, but i hate bands releasing double disks as 2 cd's.
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Megadeth has evolved, Judas Preist has evolved, Black Sabbath has evolved, Metallica has devolved. When you are one of the best metal bands in the world and you hire a Bon Jovi producer you make your own bed.
Doesnt mean you cant enjoy it, it just means I dont. Bon Jovi has it's place but it's not metal. Now what you call metal and what I call metal can very as everyone can see from the what is punk thread. I have no doubt that Randall and some others really enjoy this new stuff, it appears thats what they were shooting for with the Bob Rock guy a broader audience.
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In the end arent we all just living on a prayer?
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Who wants to live forever?
It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.
I can get you a toe.
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I spit on rehearsals.......Hetfield style!!
It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.
I can get you a toe.
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You have no respect for our customs, young one.
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Allan, young? Now I am confused!
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: Megadeth has evolved, Judas Preist has evolved, Black Sabbath has evolved, Metallica has devolved. When you are one of the best metal bands in the world and you hire a Bon Jovi producer you make your own bed.
It might not make things better, but Bob Rock also produced Motley Crue's "Dr. Feelgood" album. Also, I just learned this news tid bit, it turns out that Metallica has severed ties with Rock and that Rick Rubin is going to produce their next album.
The change might be interesting... but let's pray that Metallica does not re-invent themselves as a Rap-Rock band. If that happens, then this battered wife will need to check herself into a women's shelter. 
I am a man with needs. Rack JLA!!!
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Production trademarks
Rubin's biggest trademark as a producer has been a "stripped-down" sound, that involves eliminating typical production elements like string sections, backup vocals, reverb, and the like in favor of naked vocals and bare instrumentation. This style began with his very first production effort, LL Cool J's Radio, which consisted of little more than rapping and percussive beats (Rubin's liner notes credit for that album, instead of the expected "Produced by Rick Rubin", reads "Reduced by Rick Rubin"). Later he developed a reputation as a "song doctor" who, by performing the same reduction on the sound of veteran singers and bands, could help them break out of the commercial rut they were currently in. He did this most notably with Johnny Cash, but also achieved this effect with Tom Petty, AC/DC (on the album Ballbreaker) and Neil Diamond (on 12 Songs).
Another of Rubin's trademarks is the fusion of rap and hard rock/heavy metal, which he can lay claim to inventing in his work with Run-D.M.C. and the Beastie Boys. His most recent rap-rock work was Jay-Z's 2003 song "99 Problems" and Lil' Jon's 2004 song "Stop Fuckin' Wit Me". The latter sampled Slayer's "Mandatory Suicide" and "Raining Blood", both originally produced by Rubin.
Another trademark has been having artists cover unexpected material in their own style. In addition to the notable covers of Run-D.M.C. and Johnny Cash, Rubin produced Slayer's cover of Iron Butterfly's "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida", executive-produced the Black Crowes' career-launching cover of Otis Redding's "Hard To Handle", and produced Rage Against The Machine's 2000 covers album, Renegades. [edit]
Albums produced
* Radio - LL Cool J (1985) * Licensed to Ill - Beastie Boys (1986) * Raising Hell - Run-D.M.C. (1986) * Reign in Blood - Slayer (1986) * Electric - The Cult (1987) * Danzig - Danzig (1988) * Tougher Than Leather - Run-D.M.C. (1988) * South of Heaven - Slayer (1988) * Masters of Reality - Masters of Reality (1988) * Andrew Dice Clay - Andrew Dice Clay (1989) * Trouble - Trouble (1990) * Danzig II: Lucifuge - Danzig (1990) * Seasons in the Abyss - Slayer (1990) * Nobody Said It Was Easy - The Four Horsemen (1991) * Manic Frustration - Trouble (1991) * Decade of Aggression - Slayer (1991) * Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991) * Danzig III: How the Gods Kill - Danzig (1992) * Thrall: Demonsweatlive - Danzig (1993) * 21st Century Jesus - Messiah (1993) * Danzig 4 - Danzig (1994) * American Recordings - Johnny Cash (1994) * Divine Intervention - Slayer (1994) * Wildflowers - Tom Petty (1994) * One Hot Minute - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1995) * Ballbreaker - AC/DC (1995) * God Lives Underwater - God Lives Underwater (1995) * Empty - God Lives Underwater (1995) * Unchained - Johnny Cash (1996) * Undisputed Attitude - Slayer (1996) * VH1 Storytellers - Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson (1998) * Diabolus in Musica - Slayer (1998) * System of a Down - System of a Down (1998) * Chef Aid - South Park (1998) * Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1999) * Loud Rocks - V/A (tracks: 1. System of a Down & Wu-Tang Clan - Shame, 6. Tom Morello & Chad Smith & Wu-Tang Clan - Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing Ta Fuck Wit) (1999) * American III: Solitary Man - Johnny Cash (2000) * Paloalto - Paloalto (2000) * Renegades - Rage Against The Machine (2000) * Amethyst Rock Star - Saul Williams (2001) * The War of Art-American Head Charge (2001) * Breath of the Heart -Krishna Das (2001) * Toxicity - System of a Down (2001) * American IV: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash (2002) * By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2002) * Audioslave - Audioslave (2002) * Steal This Album! - System of a Down (2002) * Results May Vary - Limp Bizkit (with Terry Date and Jordan Schur) * Unearthed - Johnny Cash (2003) * Door of Faith - Krishna Das (2003) * De-Loused in the Comatorium - The Mars Volta (2003) (with Omar Rodriguez-Lopez) * The Black Album - Jay-Z (2003) ("99 Problems") * Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium - Rage Against the Machine (2003) * Heroes and Villains - Paloalto (2003) * Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) - Slipknot (2004) * Armed Love - The (International) Noise Conspiracy (2004) * Crunk Juice - Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz (2004) ("Stop Fuckin' Wit Me") * Make Believe - Weezer (2005) * Out of Exile - Audioslave (2005) * Mezmerize - System of a Down (2005) * Hypnotize - System of a Down (2005) * 12 Songs - Neil Diamond (2005) * Stadium Arcadium - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2006) * Taking the Long Way -- Dixie Chicks (2006) * American V: A Hundred Highways - Johnny Cash (2006) * Untitled - Justin Timberlake (2006) * Untitled - Linkin Park (2006) * Untitled - Slayer (ending 2006) * Untitled - Metallica (2006/2007) * Untitled - Kid Rock (2006/2007) * Untitled - The Faint (2006/2007) * American VI - Johnny Cash (possibly 2007)
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Randal_Flagg said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: Megadeth has evolved, Judas Preist has evolved, Black Sabbath has evolved, Metallica has devolved. When you are one of the best metal bands in the world and you hire a Bon Jovi producer you make your own bed.
It might not make things better, but Bob Rock also produced Motley Crue's "Dr. Feelgood" album. Also, I just learned this news tid bit, it turns out that Metallica has severed ties with Rock and that Rick Rubin is going to produce their next album.
The change might be interesting... but let's pray that Metallica does not re-invent themselves as a Rap-Rock band. If that happens, then this battered wife will need to check herself into a women's shelter.
Now with the Crue, they were already a commercial success, but Rock definetly pushed them into a different league altogether. Like Kiss & Metallica, Crue has one dominant member who guides the band. Nikki Sixx blatantly wanted to take a shot at Bob Jovi's crown as the kings of hair metal, and he nearly succeeded! Motley are a slighly heavier band than Jovi, but they have enough melodic elements to make them radio friendly (to a degree).
Once again, like Simmons, Sixx never lied about wanting to be commercial (although he has lied about it since).
As for Rick Rubin, that just sounds like another bit of bandwagon jumping! Bob Rocks style is no longer in favour, so lets jump to the next producer with hit making success! Once again, nothing wrong with that per se, but if they deny they want chart success, then they are lying!
Jason Newstead got out cause he was sick of all the corporate bullshit. He wanted to be in a metal band and he didnt feel that Metallica were a metal band anymore! Not cause they werent still playing a form of metal, but because the writing was handled more like pop than metal! Also, the fact that Lars & James treated him like shit, proves what anuses they are!
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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also keeping an amphibious rodent....within the city limits...for domestic purposes, that aint exactly legal either!