I usually try to be diplomatic, but you guys are outta your fucking skulls!!!

I have been a die-hard Metallica fan since I saw the "One" video at age ten; its the song that got me into metal in the first place. Now, I will grant that "St. Anger" leaves something to be desired, but I still think it has some great tracks on it ("St. Anger," "Frantic," and "Some Kind of Monster"). I hope that on their next album they will go back to basics instead of trying to by "heavy" or "trendy."

I will also grant that watching "Some Kind of Monster" is painful, but naturally dealing with the bullshit and self-destructive behavior that has built up over twenty years is going to look like a train wreck.

However, I think it is asinine to suggest that they have "sold out" every time they take the band in a new direction. People have been saying that about the band since their first power ballad appeared on "Ride the Lightening," i.e. "Fade to Black."

I still remember back in '96 when "Load" was released and people were talking shit about their haircuts. Honestely, I was concerned, but the songs grew on me and I can now say that several of my favortie Metallica songs come from this album (e.g. "Bleeding Me," "The Outlaw Torn," "Mamma Said," in fact the more I think about it, I don't think there is a single track on the album that I don't like).

But, any apprehension that I may have had about the band's "heaviness" was annihilated when Kaz, Fused, and I went to seem them perform at Lollapalloza that summer. We were ten feet away from the stage, losing are minds in the mosh pit, and I can vividly remember how the crowd went insane when Jason Newstead started the bass line to "King Nothing." It was the greatest concert experience of my life and one of the best experience of my life.

So I am sorry if I take it personal when people start hating on my favorite band, but after years of hearing the same bullshit some times a get a little pissed off. Either you like their music or you don't, and that's fine with me.

But, give the guys a break! Addiction and abuse take their toll and you have to give the band room to evolve. They are in their forties now, some of them have kids; trying to be the loudest, or fastest, or whatever would be cliche. I mean look at other bands that are still doing the same thing they were doing twenty years ago (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC etc). I respect the hell out of those bands, but the same old shit gets boring.

I know I am going to get flamed for this post, but I won't apologize for being a loyal fan of THE GREATEST METAL BAND EVER! If the guys in Metallica want to release an album where they fart into a microphone for 45 minutes they've earned it. I'm out!

I am a man with needs. Rack JLA!!!