Super-hero books...
Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Marvel Team-Up.
The first half of Bendis's run on Daredevil and maybe the second half if they're still interested...
The entire run of Alias, but not The Pulse.
Roger Stern and John Romita Jr.'s run on The Amazing Spider-Man.
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's run on The Amazing Spider-Man.
Claremont and Byrne's run on The Uncanny X-Men.
Marv Wolfman and George Perez's first run together on The New Teen Titans
Paul Levitz's entire second run on The Legion of Super-heroes and then continue it all the way through Keith Giffen's last issue of the five year gap stuff.
The first half of John Byrne's run on The Fantastic Four. They can quit reading after Byrne stopped inking it.
And, for sentimentality, Roger Stern and John Buscema's run on The Avengers.