Green Arrow. Anything Green arrow, but especially Kevin Smith. Yes, I do mean Judd Winnick, too.

Green Lantern. Not Hal Fucking Jordan, but Kyle Rayner. Hal sucks ass.

Green Lantern/Green Arrow Hard Traveling Heroes? I think thats what it's called, by Dennis O'Neal and Neal Adams. This is the one exception to the Hal Sucks rule. Mainly because Ollie doesn't suck.

Daredevil. Anything Daredevil, especially Kevin Smith.

She Hulk. Funny stuff.

Astonishing X-men. I don't care what most of you think of Joss Whedon, this is a good book and one of only 2 x-books I like anymore.

Robin/Teen Titans/Batgirl/Young Justice. I lump these together because if I'm suggesting these to someone, it's likely a younger person like my neices. They all kinda go together, especially if it's a girl looking for a girl superhero to identify with.

X-Factor. Written by Peter David and the only other X-book I care to read anymore. Pretty much anything by PAD is worth picking up. Though I personaly wouldn't recomend the Hulk books since I'm not a Hulk fan. Fallen Angel is really good, too.

Sandman & related stuff (Death, Lucifer)

Preacher. I stopped reading it a long time ago, but I remember it was really good. I think it was the first non superhero book I picked up.

That was over 10 I think...oh well.