Nice buddy. I myself went to a cheaper first run theater so the 9:00 (pm) show only cost me 7.50, vs 9 or whatever the regular multiplexes are charging these days.
I spent the entire movie trying to spot the characters and I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be who, even when my friend asked. Same friend who spotted Stan Lee and has only read a handfull of Xmen comics.
Because my comic books are in long boxes in the basement and in serious need of organization, what was Calisto's powers, if anything at all? I don't remember her having powers. Also if they had given her an eye patch I would have known it was her.
Same goes for Psylocke. I didn't recognize her, although looking back on it there was a Morlock with purple hair that I spent I don't know how long trying to figure out who it was. I also don't remember her saying anything about her powers.
As I've said I have minor niggles about the movie, mostly geek stuff. But I agree with whoever it was that said it before, they should have left the characters the way they are in the comics. As in if they're good guys, leave them as good guys, not turn them into bad guys to add to the numbers.
and yes, we needed more fleshing of characters and could have gone with less of them. I also wish we had actually seen Sentinles in this one. BUT if Trask has anything to say about it, hopefully we'll have a Sentinel in the next movie.