
Animalman said:

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Animalman's good review will make millions of people see this movie, leaving X-Men 2 far behind in box office numbers. Because of this, the studio will decide that they should make more mediocre movies, because they sell well, and any well made movie in production will be inmediately shut down to be replaced by giant plot holes passing for actual films.

Oh, I'm glad you're not bitter anymore, Ani.

This is worse than that time I said Police Academy deserved a couple of sequels.

This is the Batman Forever of the franchise. It had enough decent elements to make it enjoyable and a big success (Batman Forever far outsold Batman Returns), but no one seems to care that this is the writer of the XXX films and the director of Charlie's Angels. Next film will have spandex costumes and puns galore.

Points of discontent:
1. Full ice-body Iceman. It looked bad and cheesy.
2. pretty much no story. It felt like a series of empty scenes. where was the cool wolverine from the last 2 films?
3. Killing Xavier and Cyclops. It was kind of pointless and destroys the foundation of the X-men. You can have one die, but not both. Its too much and you give Patrick Stewart a better death scene.
4. Ian Mckellan's acting was terrible. This is Ian Mckellan for god sakes! He can do better unless he's given shitty scripts and direction.
5. Too many mutants with no characterization. We had a nice Iceman/Pyro bit in X2. This one has Angel, Kitty, and Beast. They get introduction scenes and one action scene and that's it. Bullshit.

Things I liked:
1. Famke Jansen is hot and gives me an erection.
2. Anna Paquin is hot and gives me an erection.
3. The Kitty Pryde chick is cute but has a Lolita vibe so I won't admit to an erection publically.

Bow ties are coool.