I enjoyed the movie. It was entertaining....BUT:
It seemed to know that it had no "real" story. It had no "real" lead caracter. So it made up for it with story halting CG sequences.
Here is my impression of X-Men III...
"So WHO is Leech? How can a mutant's power be turned into a vaccine?"
"Huh? What did I ask? I can't remember, but oh.....those explosions sure look cool!"
"Why did she kill Cyclops? Why not Wolverine? Where did Rogue go, I thought she was a main character? Where' s Nightcrawler? Why is Ice Man hitting on a 12 year old girl? Why is Juggernaut's helmet made out of grey stone? WHO IS LEECH!?!?"
"What did I ask again? Hmm...y'know those explosions REALLY do look cool..."
"What was this movie about? Jean Grey going mad and threatening the planet? The cure for the X-Factor? The development of lesser characters into full on X-Men?"
The answer to this qestion:
The end.
They obviously had a major budget problem, but I think it was more of an allocation issues. For instance, "We need more money to pay Halle Berry! Lets steal the cash from make up, and cut everyone else's screen time down to 5 minutes."
I think the money was there, but they used in for the wrong purpose. No one who WASN'T GOING TO SEE IT ANYWAY was going to go see X-Men because Halle Berry was in it. She should have had a 5 minute scene and 2 lines like the first movie.
It was just an action movie. This is easily seen by the fact that they BLEW through character development and explanations but spent a 15 minute CG sequence on just the killing Professor X.
I'll say that it was still VERY entertaining action movie. It is fair to say that the movie could have been much worse. BUT it could have been MUCH MUCH better.
Its probably about where the 1st one was in my eyes. The second film was VERY good, IMHO and this one doesn't come close.
Last edited by Illegal Machine; 2006-05-30 5:02 AM.

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Cool Exec.
Heart of Steel.