Just finally watched it and was seriously disappointed!
Yes the effects were great, and the story had certain comic book references that only a comic reader would get, but overall there was just too much that didnt sit right with me!

Firstly, so many of the characters were unecessary.
What point did Angel, Colossus & most of the "bad" mutants serve?

Storm & Xavier were too fucking condescending, with their holier than thou attitude (Storm not seeing that people like Rogue migh benefit from the cure and Xavier blaming Logan for Jean despite the problem stemming from his botched mind control).

It never made sense to me with Magneto stripping Mystique of her powers.

The cure never truly made sense either.
Leeches powers never stripped people of their powers for good, only in his vicinity, so why would anyone think the cure would be permanent, and how exactly did they extract his powers for a cure?

Killing Cyclops & Xavier didnt work for me.
The way they died though obviously leaves room for their resurrection, but what actual effect did their deaths serve?

The story seemed to be trying to do too much at once, and never seemed to follow through on half the storylines!

You can forgive stuff like Juggernaut being a mutant, but I think they used all these extra characters & storylines to disguise the fact the story was full of more holes than a string vest!

Another thing I will say is that Famke looked haggered!
She has really aged quickly.
I'd still fuck her, but she has lost a lot on the hottness factor!