
thedoctor said:

r3x29yz4a said:

Nowhereman said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Nowhereman said:
Why did they have Sentinels in the danger room when they havent been invented yet?

thats a geek complaint!

i think it was just a cool "hey, they're like from the comics!" moment. they never intended on there being a sentinels storyline or actual creation.

The problem I have with it isnt a geek complaint, its the fact that should they do a sequel that involves the Sentinels, it will kinda be dumb that the X-Men created a danger room senario about them before they even existed!
The fact that Bolivar Trask was in the movie would indicate that should their be any sequels, there is a strong chance of Sentinel activity rearing its head!

As for the point about Storm, her arrogance was made even worse the way she brushed off McCoy when he pointed out that not every mutant is as lucky as her!
The comparison to handicapped people does not work!
There is not one single handicapped affliction that is postive, where as mutant powers are both negative & positive!
Its easy for a beautiful mutant who has control of her powers to be so judgmental isnt it!
And you show me a handicapped person that would not accept a cure if it was offered to them!

Its a valid point, and one that I wish they hadn't so quickly dismissed. Rogue and Cyclops (to name but two) are essentially "freaks," they can never have any normal or comfortable life and they should have the choice to change.

That's the problem. They didn't really do any work to explore the point of view of people like Rogue and Beast. It was just a few quick scenes of "Hey remember her? She hates her powers!" and it moved on. There was no story in this movie. It was a collage of geek wank moments and high dollar special effects. The X-Men weren't characters. They were puppets awkwardly clodding along from one action scene to the next. Instead of making you empathize with the characters through their humanity, this creative team goes for soap opera sentimentality and nostalgia.

Every time you think this movie is going to turn into a real film with real consequence for the characters, it kicks you in the nuts and steals your lunch money as you writhe on the ground in pain. Holy shit! Xaiver's been controlling Jean's mind to turn her into the person he wants her to be. What the fuck?! He could possible be doing the same to Wolverine?! What kind of moral quandary are we in now? Apparently none since the movie seems to follow the notion that Charles was right in what he did as well as taking over a (I guess) comatose body even though he posed the question of the morality of that subject as well.

Oh, and Wolverine cried like a bitch.

I'm sticking with my B grade of it. Singer, I think, would have done a better job on this, given us a better story and actually treated it like a story rather than dropping in plot points and leaving them unexplored (Charles's control of Jean; Rogue's decision to take the Cure were the two big ones, to me).

We all wear a green carnation.