Rob Kamphausen said:
i am curious as to what someone thinks seeing this movie, and not the first two (or have comic book knowledge)
There's no fuckin' way that anyone could've followed this movie without having seen the first two.
like... there's no explanation or supplemental story or anything. its as if this entire film could have been deleted scenes from xmen 2 - and many, rightfully so.
Exactly. This was just a fanboy wankfest, pure and simple. For the most part, I agree with what NWM and doc have already stated - this movie consisted of a lot of cool looking scenes and sacrificed plot/characterization/answers to moral questions to do it.
Though, I will admit, I still enjoyed a few things - in addition to the fastball special; the "stars and garters;" and "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" comments, I also liked this exchange:
Pyro: Interesting helmet.
Juggernaut: It keeps my face pretty.
Usually the fangirl in me sees a good comic book flick more than once while its still in the theatre, but I'm not jonesing to see this one again. Sadly, it didn't begin to stand up to the first two flicks.
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi