
Rob Kamphausen said:

there are whole series on dicovery channel, where deaf parents debate whether or not to have operations for their deaf children (and other similar aspects). or how there's some people with the notion that being gay is a cureable illness. or the outrage caused by parents who have operations on their children with downsyndrome to make them look more "normal"

But once again this has nothing to do with the people themselves, this is about normal people debating what is good for their disabled offspring!
The people debating this are not the afflicted people!

As for "gay" being a disease, thats not actually a physical affliction like disabilty or mutant powers, thats a mental disorder if you want to classify it as an affliction (which I personally do not before I incur the wrath of our homasexual posters).
This is just bigotted people trying to rationalise something they cant possibly understand!

Yes, Warrens father comes up with "the cure" for the same reason, but he does actually have a valid point for those mutants who cannot control their powers, or are physically deformed, his cure is needed!
One of the things that was badly handled in this movie was that the cure was voluntary, yet it was portrayed as something as bad as the mutant registration act from the comic books!
Had they portrayed this cure as compulsary, it would have made a lot more sense!