
r3x29yz4a said:
Opinions can't count as libel or slander. Which is why Fox News hosts wrap their BS in "it seems to me" and "some people say."

Actually, the "some people say" bit is probably more closely associated with Katie Couric over at NBC:

    Note the 'some people' trope, used four times here and on countless occasions during Couric's interviewing career to put in the mouths of other, unidentified, people, what would seem to be in Couric's own heart and mind.


Randal_Flagg said:
Woah, Chief hold on there! I'm not trying to defame anyone's reputation. Hey G-Man do you do any pro-bono work?

I think the characterization of "libel" was directed at Oakley's comments about Coulter wanting to shoot Kennedy.

Since Oakley followed his comment with a "laughing" graemlin, he would seem to have indicated that his comment was intended in jest, for satirical effect. Since Coulter is a public figure she enjoys a diminished ability to sue for libel and is subject to fair satire. Therefore, Oakley's comment would most likely not be held libelous.

But there's already a thread about libel and slander here somewhere that Mr. Adler started. You may wish to continue this off topic discussion on that more appropriate thread.