*The Otaku are in their locker room. In honor of their first Pay Per View as a team, the three members with matches are dressed up as characters from different fighting games.
Hiro is dresseed up as Street Fighter's Vega,

Ramada is dressed up like Taki from Soul Calibur

and EWJ is dredssed up like Lee from Tekken.

BFOE is decked out in his most splendid Elvis costume

EWJ: Oh, we must be on. Our best chance is to work as a team, even though I'm a missunderstood loner and you guys would be better off without me. We're used to going a bit...outside of the rules. But we'll lose our title chances if we get caught. Remember our plan if it looks like we're going to get caught: Tonzura koite! Repeat after me, except for Hiro, you need to be mysterious. Tonzura koite!
BFOE: Er, Tonzura koite!
EWJ: Tonzura koite!
EWJ and Ramada: BANANA!!
*They all laugh except for Hiro, who is visibly struggling not to. The reason for this is unclear if you haven't heard the theme song to Excel Saga. And even then, it's not all that funny.*
BFOE: Banana! That's so good! Especially dipped in chocolate and frozen. Mmmmm, frozen chocolate banana....
EWJ: Remember, tonight is where our plan, as vague and nonsensical as it is, comes to fruition.
BFOE: I wonder if there's a frozen banana stand around here...