The following ad has been paid for by supporters of the Reverend Willie Williams.

RWW: "Mah friends. . .Ah have come to you today with this message of love and understanding in these troubling and trifling times. In this den of iniquity known as the Are Dee Cee Dubya, our lovely young women are constantly being exploited for the perversions and titillations of the hedonistic commerce machine of Rob Kamphausen.

This is not right nor fair to them or to you. Ah know that there will be some among you who will be reluctant to hear mah message of love. It is to those of you out there right now that I am speaking. Brothers and sisters, these young women are being horribly mistreated because they have no one to look up to. Shameless harlots like Lor and Butterrican and Nuriko and Ramada wantonly ripping each other's clothes off, rolling around in mud and whipped cream. . .why Ah. . .Ah. . .Excuse me. . .*Reverend Willie pauses to remove a handkercheif from his pocket and wipe away the sweat from his forehead before resuming.. . .Ah simply cannot stand to see our young ladies treated in this manner.

That is why I am endorsing someone for them to look up to. Someone for them to aspire to be. Someone for them to, dare Ah say, for them to. . .love. That someone is the Princess Elisa. A woman of devout faith. A woman of strong moral turpitude. A woman with an impressive list of accomplishments.

So please, if you will, at this time, please go to my website: and add your name to our petition to the Are Dee Cee Dubya Board of Directors for Princess Elisa to get her rightful Women's Booby Title shot. And if you would, please make a small donation to mah church, The First Church of Willie. Thank you and have a pleasant day."

The previous add was paid for by supporters of the Reverend Willie Williams.

Last edited by Louie Bastardo; 2006-05-31 7:27 PM.