*the camara pans into the hallway to the locker rooms. the coloring of the area goes from the normal colors to yellow/browns then to black and white. the crowd is in awe with confusion.*

*walking down the hall in the far background with his head hung low, body ridged and ripped, a long sash around his forhead trails in a stream behind him. looking like a toon outta dragon ball z he approches closer and closer. suddenly he stops in the middle of the hall and strikes an intimidating pose, swooosh-snap! feet apart, right arm held out slightly with fist clenched slighty shaking. then his head shoots upwards woooo-shaa and the crowed see's who it is. its the Crotch! wareing a ninja outfit! the camara pans in for a closer look in his other hand he held his mic close to his body*

*he raises his mic up in slow mo, suddenly he see's somthing out of the corner of his eye (camara zooms in quick and foces's on just his squinting eyes, a ding a ling type noise is heard) its Lor!! shes in mid air with a flying kick waaa-ahhhh shish headed straight for the Crotches head done-done-dooone!*

*he immediately dodges and goes into defending him self, blocking her kick with his forearm! she lands with a perfect pose, with her back to the camara, head held down, her tabard floats softly down behind her.*

Crotch: Waaaa-ooooo! ha! (mouth moves out of sink with sound) You will answer my questions young lone she-wolf!(mouth movement)

*Lor's head snaps to the left whoosh-crack her abnormally long headtails move with her. the camara quickly pans in on her squinting eyes! hiiiiiii-yoooah she whip's her body up and over in a flying summersult backwards! her long head tails and tabard twirl around her. wa-wa-wa-whooosh-thud she lands directly infront of the Crotch who did a quick, shakey step backwards! dooo-oooong!*

Lor: hahaha-ha! (mouth movement) you are a fool! you will not win, (exagerated mouth movement) darlin! (mouth movement)

*chinese music starts to play with heavy drums*

*Lor charges! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh her arms drawn back against her sides, fists clenched, it looks as if shes is leaned so far forward that she is almost completely horizontal to the floor while running. it also appears that she is running on pointed toes, legs moving at super speed. the tile on the floor is going by so fast its one dark blur.*

*the Crotch stands ready for her. left hand firmly griping his weapon of choice, his microphone. feet planted solidly in a defenceive martial arts stance. the camara flips back and forth between Lor running and the Crotches intense look on his face hurm. the crowed is mesmerized, what is going to happen!*

*ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lor beats on Crotch with fists of furry, lightning attacks by her fists. so fast it looks as if she has eight arms! the Crotch dodges every single one!*

Crotch:if you cant even hit me, what makes you think you can win this match against Ramada!?! (mouth movement)

*Lor ceases her attack for the moment and strikes a supergirl type pose, hands on hips, big sweet grin*

Lor: hahaha-ha! (exagerated laughing jester then mouth movement) you, (snap! extendes out her arm and points to crotch, mouth movement) are mistaken, i am holding back my real power! (clenches fist, holds towards chest, mouth movement) all the belts are belong to me!!!!!!!! (cheesy mouth movement)

*at that the Crotch takes up another defencive stance, this time he extends his mic out into numchucks! who-waaaaaa-ching-ching the crowd goes wild! Lor charges waaaaaahh-hiii-haaaaa with another variation of the flying kick she started out with. cheesy fighting sounds are heard over the load speakers in the arena as the scene freezes and fades away. an epic battle forever to be fought.*

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!