EPIC World Title King of the Mook-tain promo...

Yes, I write promos after matches...suck on it...


MisterJLA is seen pacing back and forth in his locker room, muttering to himself! Captain Howdy soon enters the room!


JLA: ...RACK Drzsmith?...RACK me, I'm out? I am the Ill Mac? RACK Drzsmith?

Captain Howdy: HOLY FUCK! Talkin' to yourself again?

JLA: Wha...? Howdy! I'm so glad to see you! I'm...having a dilemma. I have to face my hero Drzsmith in the Main Event tonight, along with Chewy Walrus, King Snarf, and SPAMM! I'm not worried about Chewy, Snarf, or SPAMM...but Drzsmith???

He's my hero! We know each other from the DCMB's! He taught me a lot! I lo...like the man very much! How can I compete against him tonight???

Howdy: Easy! Kick him in the balls, and when he's reeling in agony, smash him over the head with a chair!

JLA: But's it's Drzsmith! My hero! That's like if you and I were in the same match. I could never do that to you, and you certainly could never do that to me, right?



Howdy: Yer part of the IV now! Drzsmith is no longer part of yer career! Think of the rest of us, herbert!

JLA: I don't know what to do! I'm so confused! Maybe if I just target Chewy and the other punkasses, the rest will take of itself?

Howdy: Whatever happened to that gay ass petition you had me and the rest of us sign to ban Chewy's Walrus Tusk Slam? You know, the move that he pinned you with-

JLA: Yeah! I almost forgot to tell you. You see, it happened like this...

JLA scratches his chin and stares off into the distance. The camera lens looks cloudy, and briefly fades away.

Next image is of JLA standing outside a door marked "RDCW Legal Consultant: Dark Typhoid Dave" JLA has a clipboard in hand, and knocks on the door.


Dave: The door is unfastened, my stout fellow!

JLA enters the room, and Dave looks up from his desk filled with papers and sees JLA.


Dave: Oh, it's you. What is it that you require?

JLA: Hello! I have this wonderful petition to ban Chewy's unfair finisher "The Walrus Tusk Slam".

Dave: Might that be the maneuver he utilized to soundly defeat you on HAVOK a mere-

JLA: Yeah! I think it's an illegal move, and here I have a petition signed by many rasslers and fans who want to see that move outlawed!

Dave: I shall assiduously deduce the authenticity of this manuscript that thou has offered to me on this cherished occurrence known as “Prom Night”

JLA: Wha...?

Dave: Let me read the God Damned thing!

JLA: Oh.

JLA hands the petition to Dave, who reads off some of the names.


Dave: "Dear Dave, please ban the "Walrus Tusk Slam". Thanks, sincerely:

Jeff Glacier.
Paul Mandral.
The AFLAC Duck.
Joseph Mother.
David Finn.
Peter J. Pappas.
Captain Howdy.
Doc Mid-Nite.
Jason E. Perkins.
Marc Campbell.
Har Lee Kwin.

Dark Typhoid continues to read off some of the names, before setting the clipboard on his desk.


Dave: I have noticed that many of the signatures appear to have similar handwriting to your own.


Dave: While this is impressive, you are missing one key signature.

JLA: Yeah? Who's is that?

Dave: thedoctor's.


The footage gets all cloudy-like again, and we see JLA and Howdy standing in the locker room once more. JLA is still scratching his chin, and staring off into the distance. He soon snaps to, and talks to Howdy again.


JLA : So what do I do? Any advice, old chap?

Howdy: No! You're fucked!



"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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