Monroe: As it stands now, folks, MisterJLA's in the penalty box, SPAMM's down at ringside, Drzsmith just laid out Chewy Walrus with a chair and Snarf is in the ring with the belt!
Louie: Everyone except Chewy is eligible to hang the belt, but they've been doing their utmost to stop each other!
Snarf came to within inches of hanging the belt, but Drzsmith once again put paid to this, grabbing onto the belt and refusing to let go. As the pair fought over the belt Chewy Walrus rolled into the ring and pushed the ladder over. Both men leapt to safety, but it was clear that the leap had taken it out of both of them.
Monroe: BUHGAWD! everyone's laid out at the moment!
Louie: The only people on their feet are the fans!
Chewy rolled over Snarf and attempted to pin him, but Walrus was unable to maintain the pin past 2. As the counter inched closer to MisterJLA's release SPAMM managed to drag himself back to his feet and pulled Chewy out under the bottom rope. Although clearly exhausted Chewy staggered back to his feet, throwing out punches in a desperate attempt to get back in the game. SPAMM backed up and went for a flying clothesline, but Chewy caught his foe in mid-air, and hit Random Acts of Violence through the Spanish Announcers' Table!
Louie: How glad are you that we aren't the Spanish Announcers' Table?
Monroe: Will you be serious?!
Chewy collapsed on top of SPAMM for a pin, getting a three count as MisterJLA emerged from the penalty box!
Monroe: Chewy can finally go to hang the belt, but first he'll have to get past Drzsmith and MisterJLA!
Louie: If those two can keep their alliance up there's no power in the world can stop them!
Sure enough Drzsmith and MisterJLA promptly double teamed The Walrus, hitting him with a double big boot and double elbow drop as he entered the ring. Theire attention then turned to Snarf, and the message board god aid the boot in whilst MisterJLA retrieved a table from under the ring. The pair set it up in the ring and promptly whipped Snarf into it, breaking the table clean in half. The pair repeated the stunt with Chewy Walrus, but the pair didn't count on SPAMM, who hit the pair with a springboard Crossbody!
Louie: Surely this match must end soon?! There isn't a man left standing!
Monroe: Much as I hate to admit it Louie you might be, wait, Drzsmith's getting back to his feet!
Louie: He's got the belt, he's climbing the ladder...I don't believe it!
Sure enough, Snarf had struggled up the ladder and locked in the headlock! As Drzsmith struggled Snarf leapt off the top of the ladder, taking his foe with him and ploughing him into the mat!
Monroe: BUHGAWD!
MisterJLA staggered back to his feet, and as Chewy got back The SDC member was hit with a tunderous Final Justice!
Monroe: Now it's The Champ's turn to try and hang the belt...but look, SPAMM's back on his feet!
Sure enough, the leader of the mWo was on his feet and climbing the ladderin a desperate bid to stop MisterJLA!
Monroe: It's SPAMM and JLA at the top of the mountain...Wait a minute, what's Charlie doing here!?
Sure enough, The Pitbull had vaulted the barrier and dived into the ring, grabbing SPAMM's leg and pulling him clear off the ladder! As his fellow member of the IV looked on, MisterJLA hung the belt to win the match, retaining the Title!
Monroe: Well folks, it's all over! MisterJLA retains the RDCW World Title thanks to help from the IV
Louie: For once I agree with him! To all of you watching at home, goodnight!