Next letter is courtesy of...Prometheus!


Dear MisterJLA,


Curiously Yours,

Oswald Baxter

P.S. Where does your username come from? Why did you choose it?

Bacon's good, but only in moderation. Eating a skillet full is FUCKING disgusting, but a few pieces on a turkey sandwich does help.

My username? Well, back in 1999, yours truly registered at the DCMB's. Being the Grant Morrision fan that I was (and still am) I wanted an ID that was JLA related. Morrison's JLA was all the rage at the time, and I was lovin' every issue!

I first tried "CaptainJLA", but that was taken. Next, "CaptJLA", but that was taken too. "FUCK", said I, so then I thought about "MRJLA", but I thought it would look kewler if I spelled out the MR as in "Mister", and I then added the JLA.

Rob's fascist boards accepted this name, and the rest is history.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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