
Dear Mailbag:

Lately I've heard the term "private message" bandied about these boards. I wanna be hip to all the lingo that the kids are using in the streets these day, so can you tell me what they're talking about when they say, "private message" or "PM" or "23-Skidoo"?


Paul Mandral's Mommy

Private messages (which I suspect aren't really prviate, I think Rob can read them) are Internet messages that can be sent to one user on Rob's FUCKING Boards. A "secret" letter or note if you will...much like the one you just sent me...
Proper etiquette is for the receipt to answer upon reading the message, but some pricks like to wait a few months and act like they're all busy and such.

"23-Skidoo" means let's get the FUCK out of here, now.


Kids talk about private messages and "PM's" on the street?

What an odd bunch they must be! Usually, those terms are thrown around on the intertron, where I happen to be a posting legend!

Aren't you proud? Your little Paulie is all groweds up tonight!
Is this a fuckin’ production for ya? Cuz I'm growns up and I'm growns up and I'm growns up!!!!! I'm the asshole in this place right? I’m the asshole? I’m outta here…I would never eat here anyway.



"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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