Here is a delightful PM from my fellow mod, Louie Bastardo!
I keep hearing rumors bandied about that you have on occasion presented something to one of the RDCW writers called "ideas." Is it true that you indeed, have these ideas, and if so, why do we not get to see them on any RDCW programming?
Yes, Louie! I send PM's to, well, you and thedoctor and even Joe Mama about my "ideas" for matches since I am the champion of the RDCW.
It was my idea to face Nowhereman in a 60 minute Iron Man match at RobbleMania, the greatest RobbleMania EVAR!
I also came up with the idea for an Elimination Chamber match, so I could fight all of my old foes who challenged me for my old title at once.
I run a lot of these by thedoctor, Gr-ERRR you, and Joe.
Here's what I usually get back:
thedoctor: Sounds good. Just run it by everyone else who's ever posted on the internet before you run with it.
Louie: I think your idea sucks.
After a few more PM's...
Louie: That will work! Just let me put my personal touch on it, because this is MY board!
Joe: Sounds good! Just let me PM Louie, and I'll get right back to you (he never does)
So, my ideas do get used. I just go through a "hazing" process more often than not. And MisterJLA still loves them all.
Louis J. Bastardo
PS: If you are ever in need of managerial services, I have extensive experience in the wrestling, film, and magazine industries.
Joe Mama is my manager! He's gonna flip out when he reads this!