*Backstage, Joey Biles stands with El Superbeasto. In the background, we can hear Chris Oakley ranting and Nuriko attempting to calm him down.
JB: I'm here tonight with one half of the Outcasts, the Giant Luchadore himself, El Superbeasto! Tonight, you go one on one with your former ally, Amuck!
*Superbeasto grabs the mic, interrupting Joey.
ES: Si! Tonight, little puta Amuck learns what it means to get in the Outcasts' way! Tonight, I show him the meaning of true lucha style. I will rip his head off! I will crush him! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
JB: Of course last week, you and Chris Oakley lost the World Tag Team titles that you'd held for almost six month-
*Superbeasto grabs Joey again, shaking him violently.
ES: You want to talk about last week?! I tell you about last week!
*Superbeasto delivers several giant headbutts to Joey, leaving him reeling before picking him for a Chokeslam to Oblivion! Chris Oakley runs into frame and the Outcasts hit the Odd Man Out on Joey, leaving him senseless on the floor.
ES: That is what I have to say about last week!!! VIVA LOS OUTCASTS!!!!!!!!!!!!