*Amuck is walking backstage, preparing for his match when he runs into Big Pimp Tim. Amuck pulls back to strike, but BPT calms him down.

BPT: Whoah, chill out, man. I just want to make you an offer.

*Amuck pauses and cocks his head to the side, listening.

BPT: I know you got no love for the Outcasts, and tonight I'm facing Chris Jokely in an over the top rope challenge. Now I'm not worried about the match. I've got a Punk Maker with Jokely's name on it. But I am worried about his partners interfering.

*Amuck points at himself and at BPT.

BPT: Right. I watch your back, you watch mine. We cool?

*Amuck ponders for a moment before taking BPT's outstretched hand.

BPT: Let's do it.