The Cheese-O-Tron once again comes alive. A satellite feed reveals Ghoultown live in concert. Count Lyle shouts, "This one's for Doc!!!" as the band busts into a demonic, rockabilly tune that's a mix of "Happy Birthday To You", "Dirty Sanchez", and a tale of Doc's ass-kickery. The members of the IV come down - each man holding a gift, except for MisterJLA, who has a large, delicious looking cake. He places the cake in front of Doc, who takes a fingerful of frosting, tastes it, and nods approvingly. Joe Mama holds up a finger telling Doc to wait a moment, takes the candles and lighter given to him by Doc Mid-Nite, places the candles in the cake, and shoots a flames across the wicks - the Zippo is less of a lighter and more of a mini flamethrower. Then, as Ghouldtown leads their audience in a "Doc!!!" chant, Joe Mama incites the Havoc crowd to follow suit. Two audiences go wild as Doc ponders a wish and then blows out the candles. As the applause rain down, Count Lyles shouts, "Happy Birthday, Doc! You magnificent bastard!!!" and the Cheese-O-Tron goes black.
JM: We're not done yet! Y'see, earlier tonight Chris Oakley ruined a thoughtful gift from the boys in the back. He destroyed the stripper cake that the roster chipped in on. Well, the IV aren't gonna let that stand! A man - even a despicable, no-good snake like our GM - deserves his damn stripper cake! Doc, the IV rushed out and got you that stripper cake over there (pointing to the new cake) and we hope it give you a night's worth of Happy Birthday!
Louie: Damn! That was thoughtful of Joe and the IV!
Monroe: I dunno...for some reason, this looks too good to be true...
Doc stands up and walks around the table and stands in front of Joe Mama, saying something that the crowd can't hear. Joe Mama shakes his head, says something back, and then extends his hand to Doc. Doc looks at it for a moment, pondering it. Then he shakes Joe Mama's hand. Joe Mama raises Doc's arm as the "victor"...
(Uh oh...)
(Oh's coming now...)
...and takes him over to the big ol' stripper cake!
The other members of the IV shake Doc's hand or clap a hand on his shoulder and then stand behind him. Everyone has a look of anticipation on their faces - strippers, WOO!!!
JM: Okay, darlin', we've waited long enough! Come on out and give our boss the happiest birthday EVER!!!
The cake erupts and out pops - wearing nothing but a pair of tassles and a T-back g-string, as well as a ecstatic, lusty look on her face is...
Doc screams and turns to run away, but the wall of the IV cuts him off! Christine rushes forward and jumps on The Doctor's back, dry-humping his back and kissing his head, and screaming in delight! The IV clear the way as Doc stumbles around, trying to beat her off (tee hee!!!) his back and escape. Team OC rushes out from the back...
Monore: Oh...oh GAWD!!! What's that on her wrist???
Louie: It's handcuffs...the same handcuffs that bound her to Rex!
Monroe: But...but...but...what's dangling from the other cuff?
Louie: It's...oh's a HAND!!! And it looks like it was chewed through the wrist!!!
Monroe: Whu-whu-whu-whut' hand?!?
Louie: It'''s...
Louie and Monroe: A DIRTY USED SOCK!!!
As our commentators faint from the horror, Team OC grabs the newest, hottest couple in the RDCW and drag them to the back. One of Christine's "brothers"(???) says something about "a night of down-home good luvin's". The crowd is going nuts and the IV is collectively celebrating and high-fiving. Joe Mama picks up the microphone again...
JM: Chris Oakley...SDC...RDCW...and every one of you fans...let me make it clear! DON'T FUCK WITH THE IV!!!
The IV's celebration continues as this week's Havoc ends. Happy Birthday, Doc!!!
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock