
Captain Sweden said:

Jim Jackson said:
Don't throw such a huge fit over a piece of tissue many of us have lost and don't miss.

Then you won't mind if a group wants to punch out one of their boys' teeth in order to show that they're a part of their tribe and/or that they have reached adulthood? Or what about female circumcision? (I know female circumcision causes more pain, but as you probably know now I'm more interested in the principle of it.) Surely, if we give various ethnic and/or religeous groups collective privilges instead of individual rights equal for all, we must be consistent, right?

I'm not forbidding male - or even female - circumcision. I just want people decide for themselves if they want it or not, when they're adults. I can't see how that is asking for too much.

Why then take kids to doctors when they're little? Why not just wait until they're adults and they can decide for themselves what they think is the best course of medical treatment for themselves.

Why do anything at all for infants, toddlers and little kids that we, as parents, think is for their benefit? We should just let them reach adulthood and decide for themselves.

Why should we send them to schools or help them get aculturated? We should let them wait until they're adults to decide for themselves.

We all wear a green carnation.