
Jim Jackson said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

Jim Jackson said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

Jim Jackson said:
That's your opinion.

Rather than ask what makes agnostic ticks, WBAM, you've put forth what you think we should be doing and that we should basically be enslaved to answering the Is There A God question. Why don't you just title the thread "What I Think Makes Agnostics Tick"?

A snippy response from JJ? I'm shocked. Yes of course the post above is my opinion, I'm the guy who posted it. If you want your opinion expressed then you post your opinion in your own post rather than wasting your post to complain that your opinion was absent from my post.

You're lucky I responded at all.

Am I?

Seriously as self important as that statement is, my point for creating this thread was to hear what agnostics believe thier obligations to the persuit of knoledge is or is not. All you've done is complain about the title. I really don;t feel all that lucky, I wish you'd participate in the diologue.

I've argued religion and sexuality on the RKMBs for over 3 years now. I'm tired of it. I have better things to do than to try to convince you, uselessly, what makes an agnostic tick. You stated your premise, your opinion in your opening paragraph and I have no reason to feel you'll deviate from it, so why should I bother trying to get you to?

And yet you keep posting? Didn't they teach you in phych school to get over yourself? I think you stated your problem quite obviously, wich is you expect to convert people on a message board and your failure to do so has left you dissolusioned with the online debateling experience. Of course I don;t intend to deviate from my position, but that doesn;t mean I'm not genuinely interested in hearing the positions of others. Wheni debate you, Dave, Ray Adler or others on teh merits of religion I have never once expected to recieve a PM asking when and where could they get baptised, it's an exchange of information, nothing more nothing less. If you don't want to engage, fine, but it seems silly to engage simply to complian that the subject is being discussed and then claim that we're somehow lucky to have experienced your input. Engage or don;t, but please don;t whine. It's unbecoming.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k