Pariah, stop being a dick (I know thats hard for you).
None of the mods here are facists, even that cunt G-Man!
Each of us have been charged by Rob with maintaining the various forums.
Part of that job is deciding if certain topics are valid within the forums.
While the basic decision making is a personal choice, the reasoning is based on the fact that you have to think about everyone who posts in that forum!
If a mod feels that a topic or post is far beyond that forums designated topic, or diverts from the premise of the forum/topic, then they are well within their rights to move said topic/post!
This is what happens in the real world as well, although you probably have never bore witness to this!
Governments make decisions (& yes, that includes the US government) based on the same ideals.
If congress creates a law you dont agree with, does that make them facists?
And if so, then does that not make the USA a fascist state?
The reason mods are put in place is so that Rob can be a lazy bastard and let us do all the hard work for him.
Sometimes mods step over the line (as recently witnessed within the sports forum), but cries of "facism" are just the angry cries of a boy who has yet to fully understand what true facism is!
Please put you soap box away & try to act like a real adult!