And once again moral values are judged by those with no idea of what they are talking about!

She is an art teacher, and its very well known that artists use nude models, so why is it so strange that an artist would pose herself?
Its not like she starred in a hardcore porn film.

Also, what significance does this have on how she does her job?

If they are saying that its wrong for her students to see her nude, then this in itself shows exactly how fucked up the moral majority are.
Instead of punishing a grown woman for doing something that to her, is totally natural as an artist, they should be asking the parents how come their children are looking at those pictures if they are morally corrupting as they would have us believe.

Also, do these moral highlords deem all nudity as porn?
Were Adam & Eve the worlds first porn stars?
Is the Venus DeMilo porn?

Its just another case for the repressed trying to enforce their backwards opinions on everyone else!
Welcome to the 21st century you fucking idiots, try to keep up with the rest of us!