But once again you totally ignore a good portion of the post.
I said that the parents are wholly responsible for their children, so on that basis if the kids do wrong, then it is the parents responsibilty for not monitoring their children properly, ie installing a net-nanny style program.

And saying that we dont hold children to the same standards of behaviour is a pretty piss poor argument.
Are you saying that if children do something wrong, they should not be punished?
No fucking wonder so many kids today are growing up to be trouble makers & dropouts!

If you dont instill a system of right & wrong at an early age, its too late to do anything about it when they become adults!

If a child is old enough to understand that looking at nude pictures is a turn on (i cant think of a better term right now) he is old enough to know he shouldnt be looking at them at his age.

But none of this really matters as in this case the only people in the wrong are the moral majority, but you seem to wanna take this off in a completely different direction.