You really are a retard.
My "tangent" was relevant to the case in point, yet you keep pushing the topic into that direction rather than address it to the matter it relates.
Your points that children can do all that stuff like fighting, shouting etc is also laughable.
If you feel that a child should not be punished for this sorta stuff just shows why children grow up being social rejects.
If a child gets into a fight, the only way to teach it that it is wrong is to punish it.
The level of punishment might be different, but it is still punishment.
And as for
Furthermore, you are imposing an unrealistic standard on parents. Short of completely isolating a child and/or monitoring that child one on one 24/7 it is impossible to completely prevent all possible exposure of a child to things which a parent may not approve.
How am I imposing unrealistic standards on parents?
Maybe it is impossible to monitor a child 24/7, but that doesnt excuse not punishing a child if it does do stuff that is wrong when it is out of your sight.
Parents are the biggest influence on children as they grow, and the standards they follow later in life are often dictated by the enviroment they are raised in.
A negelected child (and I dont just mean a child who isnt looked after, I am talking about a child that is allowed to do whatever it wants without fear of reprisal) will grow up with a pretty strange view of what is right & wrong!
On top of that, the monitoring of children isnt just about moral values etc, its about the childs safety.
Can you honestly say that as a parent, you have not gone out of your way to monitor your children as much as you possibly can?